We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I had a thought @ some point over the weekend to compile a post of a few of the best stories/memories I have involving me and getting really high. Inappropriate? Let me know. This is stemming from reminiscence of the day that my ride to school had with her a quarter ounce of high quality green stuff, which she decided we should eat (all of it) before we entered school that morning. (one of the)Best day(s) of my SJA career.
You can not raise Kai in Nashville. He'll be stifled, not to mention forever changed by the country music scene. I know Klassy is there, but just visit her. Tampa I don't even have to argue, do I?
I'm gradually starting to exercise @ home. My set up is on the 2nd floor and involves 2 yoga mats, a jump rope (love it), yoga ball free weights and a stretch band. If i don't lose some fucking weight, and soon, I am going to - well, I don't know what I'm going to do, but it could be ugly, I know that.
I am taking this review class for the Ohio exam in June - saturday mornings is the class, and the guy teaching it is one of the best teachers I have ever had across my educational experiences. He gave us DVDs to help learn the muscles of the body, I started one the other night. He names the muscle, where it originates and inserts, then he draws that muscle with a marker on a model. Naturally, he starts with the glutes, so I start this DVD and there is some person, their head cut off by the camera angle, in a thong, and he proceeds to draw the muscles on at a time on this persons ass. Hilarious. Honestly, though, a good example of this mans teaching genius. He really knows how to break things down and explain them. Not to mention I will never forget the image of him drawing on an ass, therefor can picture the glutes, clear as day.
I have decided to lay off on pleasure reading for a bit to focus on massage stuff. I was reading some stuff by Studs Terkl (Hard Times, about the Depression which to no ones surprise could have been written over the past 2 years or so - oh, circle of life). I worked myself into a frenzied overload of nutritional input by delving into the Abs diet, then Anti Cancer, then Healing with Whole Foods, Jesus Fucking Christ, could science just give me the pills to take to meet the ideal nutritional needs to lose weight avoid cancer and be the picture of health? Please? Is it too much to ask? Come on bitches, it's 2010. --Anyway, no fat dairy? full fat dairy? eliminate dairy? (no, to that last one) Peanut butter? almond butter? Avoid tahini(!!) and replace with SESAME BUTTER!? I am not Asian, Paul Pitchford. I am so NOT Asian.
So, I'm just going to try to cook or have Perren cook more whole grains and legumes. Thats all I got (eying the empty plastic cup on the table that once contained an iced mocha, however, it was 2/3 toddy, I do what I can, Thank you) - which reminds me , we will have Internet and cable and DVR @ home on Friday - can you believe it. It's with Time Warner so it better not suck balls. A guy Perren knows ( he lives by you JHM and he was on Jeopardy recently and won) just settled a class action law suit against AT&T who settled for over 3 million because he investigated and revealed that he and his neighbors were paying for high speed DSL and ATT was capping their service so that they were not accessing the speed of bandwith that they were paying for. I am quite certain that P and I were experiencing this on W 30th St. b/c the shit was sooooooo slow and the router/modem were right next to the computers. Sneaky bitches better not fuck with it this time around, or they're going down.
I am off to take dogs to park and proceed with day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Random Notes

Sitting in yoga class last night, for the first time in more than a month, I let my mind wander (it is sooooooo hard for me to pay attention during yoga class), through many topics and places... the class was small, perhaps because of the concurrent cavs game? I always like it when the classes are smaller. I get annoyed when there are more than 3 or 4 other people there. Last night, there were 7 of us, and the sun moved in to the room beautifully as it began to set, highlighting the one empty spot in the middle, and I couldn't help but think of Aunt Karen, who usually also attends this class, but who was also absent yesterday. It was a sad and beautiful moment, all in one.


Baby Taj scooted forward today in what could have been a crawl, in his furious attempt to grab a book, which he just wanted to put into his mouth. I'm pretty sure he's teething, because he is in a near constant state of annoyance and agitation, shoving everything into his mouth with a ferocity that is astonishing. Whip out the baby motrin, get out the frozen fruit and teething rings, and start mental preparations for the first bite.


So, the person I want to "de-friend" is someone whose parenting styles are VERY different, and thus incompatible with mine; in addition, she does not have good boundaries and she tries to make plans with us A LOT. She is annoying and is not undeterred by unanswered phone calls or ignored emails. I find myself caving to getting together, because it is easier, and because I have not yet worked up the courage to just say NO. So, I probably will have to move to ditch her. Maybe not far, but definitely without telling her.


On the topic of moving, taj told me recently that we will almost certainly have to move in the next two years, to allow his career to develop and grow, and whatnot. Location: who the heck knows. Anywhere he finds a suitable position, I guess. The one position he has already been recruited for has offices in Nashville or Tampa. I'm not impressed.


More random musings later!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Keep 'em coming

Strong work, Silk, on the gypsy blog post. Yes, the spinning is at Fit. Let's do it.

Have been having some very. serious. discussions. lately w/ the spouse. having a baby is stressful, yo! but that cutie is sitting right here, next to me, going crazy with a pillow and a toy...he is pure happiness. almost time for some cereal and beets. maybe some daal. we're going crazy indian on his food training.

so, a question. this may be better suited for an email, but since there are only a few readers of the blog...when you are in a serious, committed relationship (call it marriage, call it whatever, but you are in it for the long haul), what do you do when one of you changes their mind about a not-so-insignificant decision and the other one will not budge or compromise on the decision? does this question make sense? if yes, please give me your advice. i need it.

in other news, baby taj is rolling all over the place and i swear to god he did a mini crawl yesterday. i am so not ready for him to be mobile. he visited his cousin scotch yesterday and was so completely entranced and excited by this encounter, we may have to get a dog. the things i will do for this baby.

well, off to clean up before friend #1 stops by for a (hopefully) quick visit--reminds me of an upcoming blog post and poll for our readers: how do you stop being friends with someone?
later today we have some baking and then friend #2 is coming over for dinner. she will be bringing her baby, who is exactly 2 months younger, yet 2 pounds and 1 inch bigger, than baby taj. he's a cutie, though. makes me laugh when people tell me that i have a big baby (which they do, a lot). i just think to myself, well, you should see this other baby! he's ginormous!

peace out bloggers. don't forget to give me your feedback and marital advice.

Friday, April 16, 2010

New posts - double down!

I am at Gypsy with latte and internet, and it is a rainy day to boot. Excellent. I truly respect how Moms go to battle (passively or aggressively) like no other. It certainly makes sense, maternal instinct and all. I have a theory about the McMahon sisters as new Moms : perhaps they were lucky or perhaps the universe provided because there is no way in hell either of them would be up all night with a baby with any sort of regularity. They just wouldn't, which relates to my other point that I think their husbands did an awful lot in those early weeks, more so than most, because they had to. I digress.

Just noticed this lawyer guy, I think a Cleveland Public defender who is in here all the time seriously engrossed in playing bejeweled blitz.

Is the spinning at Fit?

Went on my first bike ride of the season last night, it was sooooo nice out. I got kind of annoyed because we biked from our house to west 76th and everyone started hanging out there drinking beers, and therefor not bike riding. I tooled around and took a battery park bike tour - crazy! There are TONS of suburban like condo residencies back there, blocks and blocks of them. I had no idea. We then headed over to the Parkview where I think they are serving the best fries around, FYI. I really like taking to the streets on my bike with a big group of people, but maybe not so much a big group of drunk people focused on bar hopping.
I finally secured Mad Men season 1 disc 2 DVD to discover that the disc 1 blu ray contains all of those episodes except the very last one. Christ. It was not that great of an episode, but we noted that my new pajama pants from old navy matched the pajamas of don draper.
Listening to the monsoon style rain on the skylights and steel exterior of the house, highlighted by the honking/beeping of the shipping receiving intake vehicle of Voss Industries this morning, I contemplated the fact that I am fully prepared to go live on a 5 acre farm. Outside of C'ville, I think. Lets keep that between us. I mean, there is no way I am moving anywhere for a while, too tired. Don't want anyone to think I am not enthusiastic about the cool house in which I now get to reside but I kind of wish we could pick it up and move it elsewhere. It's kind of loud. And there are lots of other people living very very near by. I see them every time I exit my front door. Could do without.
I wrote the previous like 4 days ago and then the gypsy lost power and after 10 minutes or so it had not come back on, so I rolled out. Now I am back on this lovely Monday evening. downloading this weeks episode of breaking bad and perusing the blogs and all.
Yesterday was like the weirdest day ever. We began the day with me really pissed at Perren for being a big ass, I even declined COFFEE in order to not accompany him on the coffee run, went about my morning, went to the market cafe for breakfast (by myself) , reconciled shortly thereafter and proceeded to the baby shower we were invited to. We left the shower to go home and prepare for the friends we had invited over, we basically had a raw bar spread of oysters, clams and shrimp, an impressive cheese and crackers selection, a bottle of champagne, etc. Perren went NUTS cleaning the first floor and plating all the food like an Iron Chef. Then our friends cancelled due to the fact that they "got to talking about some stuff we really needed to talk about and it's pretty emotional" Whaaaaaaaa?
So, we called Alexis over and tore. some. shellfish. up.
It was freaking delish!
Right now I am sitting next to a couple of crackers on their first date, and I really must bounce. Plus my left contact has been crap all day, can't see shit out of my left eye. More later.
Excellent bloggage on make it stop! We of the blogalish are planning a c'ville visit in July, because we cant swing the nations capital in the next 4 weeks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Demanding a new post!

Thanks to some gentle pressure from our readers (all 1 or 2 of you), I am attempting to respond to the demands for a new post. This effort is possible, because my baby recently learned to sit on his own, and he is so excited to be able to sit, that this entertains him for several minutes in a row! I can get so much more done now!

Many things to comment on today. I apparently jinxed myself by announcing to the facebook world my good fortune of having baby sleep 10 hours in a row! This, of course, opened me up to many unsolicited comments, most of which just annoyed me. Seriously, people, my baby is 7 months old. All your little tricks are not going to help me help him sleep. I've tried everything, I've heard everything, please do not think it is because he is hungry. He is not. He gets fed a lot. He is just not a good sleeper. I hereby resolve to never make the following suggestions to new mothers:
1. Sleep when the baby is sleeping
2. Offer my unsolicited sleep advice.

If someone asks me, great. I'll talk until I'm blue in the face. I am, myself, not a good sleeper and have never been able to nap or sleep during the day. Please do not treat me like I am high maintenance because I don't nap when the baby does. I simply can't. If you want to be helpful, come over and get up with the baby when he wakes up throughout the night. Or don't, and just shut up.

I probably should just post all that on facebook and be done with it.

Other news:
1. Briefly considered purchasing the iPad, as we need a new laptop, but not impressed. Its just a big iPhone, that you need to buy a keyboard for if you want to type more than an occasional haiku. Bull-shit. I'd rather have a mac book anyday. Not sure if my checking account agrees. We shall see.

2. Tickets for Rome have been purchased, allowing the in-laws a chance to see the baby, who looks nothing like an Indian. This greatly pleases me. He is sweet, chubby, and a beautiful olive toned baby. He will not be separated from his Mama. I love this about him. Its also what drives me crazy too. But I secretly love it. I pretend, in front of his father, to be annoyed by the "separation anxiety", so that when it happens in Rome, I can say "I try! But really, he prefers only me! So don't touch him!"

3. I am unable to give up my crack-esque addiction to dairy products, and as thus, still look 4-5 months pregnant and my baby has eczema. But, his eczema is not that bad. Really. I'm not lying. Its just a patch. I will keep trying to break this habit, though, as I would like to lose some weight. I did just sign up for spinning, though! Sweet! Tuesdays, starting in May. Silk, want to join?

Well, that is all I can come up with and its time to (1) feed the baby, then (2) put him down for a nap while I watch General Hospital. I mean, I would nap too, if I could.