se me olvido
thats I forgot in spanish.
I forgot to mention the point of my previous post, which is that I really don't like how days off from work turn into full days of running around, house stuff, etc. This seriously seems to happen to me every Sunday and Monday, altho Sundays are occasionally a do absolutely nothing day. I also occasionally manage to fit in fun stuff - case in point dinner last night at Alaturka - really good! (new Turkish spot on the west 2 5).
I also forgot to mention that I found myself Friday night watching tv and tuning into Barbara Walters' special on heart disease, in particular open heart surgery to avoid impending massive heart attacks. I was not particularly taken with this special, I felt the advice offered was 100% useless to someone like myself with no health insurance (yes, yes I'm working on it) and a hella low income. The advice given was essentially - get your ass in to NY Presbyterian hospital (this is like where ALL rich people go!) and have lots o' tests done and if surgery is indicated they will crack your chest no problemo and get you back in effect.
Barbara Wawa, Letterman , Robin Williams, Charlie Rose and Bill CLinton all members of the cracked chest club (their words) talked about their experiences. It was interesting enough to hear about, refreshing to know that folks survive that on the reg. but really, where is the information for people who are not loaded celebrities? and , frankly, doctors know what they know and it is not that much. One of them had passed a stress test, several of them had no symptoms or easily ignored the minor ones they did. I don't know. I watched it hoping to get something out of it and didn't (my bad, i know, it's a b w special..) I was also fairly incensed by Tim Russert's son saying point blank to the camera - "there is absolutley no reason for someone to die suddenly of an unexpected heart attack this day in age" - REALLY? HMMmmmm...
Maybe there is absolutely no reason for anything, jr., but it all still happens.
I'm so excited Silk has resurrected the blog-a-licious! What's this, like its 4th life?
2:17 PM
Oh and yeah, I'm working on a post too. And I just made some really good beet pancakes and Kai loved them!
2:18 PM
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