We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Demanding a new post!

Thanks to some gentle pressure from our readers (all 1 or 2 of you), I am attempting to respond to the demands for a new post. This effort is possible, because my baby recently learned to sit on his own, and he is so excited to be able to sit, that this entertains him for several minutes in a row! I can get so much more done now!

Many things to comment on today. I apparently jinxed myself by announcing to the facebook world my good fortune of having baby sleep 10 hours in a row! This, of course, opened me up to many unsolicited comments, most of which just annoyed me. Seriously, people, my baby is 7 months old. All your little tricks are not going to help me help him sleep. I've tried everything, I've heard everything, please do not think it is because he is hungry. He is not. He gets fed a lot. He is just not a good sleeper. I hereby resolve to never make the following suggestions to new mothers:
1. Sleep when the baby is sleeping
2. Offer my unsolicited sleep advice.

If someone asks me, great. I'll talk until I'm blue in the face. I am, myself, not a good sleeper and have never been able to nap or sleep during the day. Please do not treat me like I am high maintenance because I don't nap when the baby does. I simply can't. If you want to be helpful, come over and get up with the baby when he wakes up throughout the night. Or don't, and just shut up.

I probably should just post all that on facebook and be done with it.

Other news:
1. Briefly considered purchasing the iPad, as we need a new laptop, but not impressed. Its just a big iPhone, that you need to buy a keyboard for if you want to type more than an occasional haiku. Bull-shit. I'd rather have a mac book anyday. Not sure if my checking account agrees. We shall see.

2. Tickets for Rome have been purchased, allowing the in-laws a chance to see the baby, who looks nothing like an Indian. This greatly pleases me. He is sweet, chubby, and a beautiful olive toned baby. He will not be separated from his Mama. I love this about him. Its also what drives me crazy too. But I secretly love it. I pretend, in front of his father, to be annoyed by the "separation anxiety", so that when it happens in Rome, I can say "I try! But really, he prefers only me! So don't touch him!"

3. I am unable to give up my crack-esque addiction to dairy products, and as thus, still look 4-5 months pregnant and my baby has eczema. But, his eczema is not that bad. Really. I'm not lying. Its just a patch. I will keep trying to break this habit, though, as I would like to lose some weight. I did just sign up for spinning, though! Sweet! Tuesdays, starting in May. Silk, want to join?

Well, that is all I can come up with and its time to (1) feed the baby, then (2) put him down for a nap while I watch General Hospital. I mean, I would nap too, if I could.


Blogger Silk E. said...

yes to spinning! tuesday is my new day off as of may 1 - sweet. Lets get slender.

1:49 PM


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