We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Sunday, February 06, 2011

on time

Well, here we are - 2011. While I've transitioned pretty seamlessly, not missing a beat when writing the date. etc. it is still kind of strange to stop and think about. That's time for you.
Shit I have got to do today:
* IMMENSE amount of laundry, in the works
* take the IMMENSE amount of recycling and drop it off, Oh to live in a place that actually cares about it and picks up recycling..
* do something with Rufus before he kills us all due to lack of exercise/activity
* get these hand me downs over to Mabel Ct.
* finish calculating how much I made last year for tax purposes
* grocery store, if only for a few basics
* treadmill, jones - treadmill
Tomorrow includes seeing my therapist, seeing my chiropractor, WW meeting, stopping in my bank to figure out the best way to avoid being charged $15 per month to have a business checking account - really? No. and a friends birthday get together, and getting ready for work on Tuesday.
Things I have done thus far today:
* eaten oatmeal, drank small double mocha
*surfed the nets, read up on JD Samson who I ALWAYS thought was a dude, wonders never cease
* got some shit together to try to get some health insurance (grudgingly, but people like my dad keep harping on it, and then I get concerned about what if I DO get cancer in the near future - )
* laundry, random light cleaning
*shower -way overdue - I'm sorry but it's so true I have been too lazy/ work days have been too long and sleep has won out, so good thing today is Sunday
* watched a few minutes of the puppy bowl on animal planet - so want one. but not now.
I have also of late caught a few episodes on the A P of Confessions: animal hoarding, and all I can say is YIKES yikes yikes. I guess it is like any other of those shows - train fucking wreck - the people harding cats are particularly tragic and I gather smell like nothing else on this earth, except perhaps a vat of pure amonia. Tragic. Thank god for animal planet, helping where it counts.
I should go take this recycling and carry on, Rufus is losing it.
Medusa, did you know that you alone rock the dreads amongst our CLE posse now? That's right. Perren done transformed on us.
More later kids.


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