We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Friday, April 16, 2010

New posts - double down!

I am at Gypsy with latte and internet, and it is a rainy day to boot. Excellent. I truly respect how Moms go to battle (passively or aggressively) like no other. It certainly makes sense, maternal instinct and all. I have a theory about the McMahon sisters as new Moms : perhaps they were lucky or perhaps the universe provided because there is no way in hell either of them would be up all night with a baby with any sort of regularity. They just wouldn't, which relates to my other point that I think their husbands did an awful lot in those early weeks, more so than most, because they had to. I digress.

Just noticed this lawyer guy, I think a Cleveland Public defender who is in here all the time seriously engrossed in playing bejeweled blitz.

Is the spinning at Fit?

Went on my first bike ride of the season last night, it was sooooo nice out. I got kind of annoyed because we biked from our house to west 76th and everyone started hanging out there drinking beers, and therefor not bike riding. I tooled around and took a battery park bike tour - crazy! There are TONS of suburban like condo residencies back there, blocks and blocks of them. I had no idea. We then headed over to the Parkview where I think they are serving the best fries around, FYI. I really like taking to the streets on my bike with a big group of people, but maybe not so much a big group of drunk people focused on bar hopping.
I finally secured Mad Men season 1 disc 2 DVD to discover that the disc 1 blu ray contains all of those episodes except the very last one. Christ. It was not that great of an episode, but we noted that my new pajama pants from old navy matched the pajamas of don draper.
Listening to the monsoon style rain on the skylights and steel exterior of the house, highlighted by the honking/beeping of the shipping receiving intake vehicle of Voss Industries this morning, I contemplated the fact that I am fully prepared to go live on a 5 acre farm. Outside of C'ville, I think. Lets keep that between us. I mean, there is no way I am moving anywhere for a while, too tired. Don't want anyone to think I am not enthusiastic about the cool house in which I now get to reside but I kind of wish we could pick it up and move it elsewhere. It's kind of loud. And there are lots of other people living very very near by. I see them every time I exit my front door. Could do without.
I wrote the previous like 4 days ago and then the gypsy lost power and after 10 minutes or so it had not come back on, so I rolled out. Now I am back on this lovely Monday evening. downloading this weeks episode of breaking bad and perusing the blogs and all.
Yesterday was like the weirdest day ever. We began the day with me really pissed at Perren for being a big ass, I even declined COFFEE in order to not accompany him on the coffee run, went about my morning, went to the market cafe for breakfast (by myself) , reconciled shortly thereafter and proceeded to the baby shower we were invited to. We left the shower to go home and prepare for the friends we had invited over, we basically had a raw bar spread of oysters, clams and shrimp, an impressive cheese and crackers selection, a bottle of champagne, etc. Perren went NUTS cleaning the first floor and plating all the food like an Iron Chef. Then our friends cancelled due to the fact that they "got to talking about some stuff we really needed to talk about and it's pretty emotional" Whaaaaaaaa?
So, we called Alexis over and tore. some. shellfish. up.
It was freaking delish!
Right now I am sitting next to a couple of crackers on their first date, and I really must bounce. Plus my left contact has been crap all day, can't see shit out of my left eye. More later.
Excellent bloggage on make it stop! We of the blogalish are planning a c'ville visit in July, because we cant swing the nations capital in the next 4 weeks.


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