We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Graduate

Today is my graduation, kids, and all I want to do is nap and chill. I think I am exhausted from the 8 month whirlwind of education I have just endured. I must perservere, go run errands and attend the lovely ceremony at 5 this evening. I am also dragging ass a bit because there was some minimal celebrating last night, and I was up bright and early (well, 9:30 ish) to head over to the Coop for an interview, which went well. Actually it seemed they had decided to hire me before even meeting me, and no thats nothing to do with piddy, simply my stunning resume. So that will be comforting, a little paycheck that is and it seems like a lovely place to work, good vibes, friendly people, and piddy, likely throwing things at me from produce every chance he gets.
gotta run -
I still can't believe the dire state of things on the west 52. Is nothing sacred anymore? Fuck the CPD, and MJ, when is your contract up and where are you headed? I too long for the west cost. Lets start a commune. Better we start one than join one, i think.
Crack kills.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I am so unemployed

I feel like a housewife, kind of, which is freaking me out. However, I rediscovered the library today; joy! The Cleveland library and I were well acquainted, I managed to get myself on a payment plan for a $80 late fee due to my massive CD burning operation that I had going on.
I got a Barbara Kingslover I've not read yet and a Tom Robbins, I've never read any of his and every cool person I know raves about him so, hopefully that'll be good. Anyway, that's mainly why I'm posting - reccomendations for specific novels or fabulous authors, please. I think I trust the taste of everyone who keeps up on the blogalicious - Engles, no doubt, Dr.J, and Jho, Salexis, Klassy (pleasure reading here, klass, no feminist theologian dissertations, thanks) and MJ, I'm sure. So hit me, hit me people, i got nothing but time... to be reading...
Piddy's new Co- op job KICKS ASS! It seems he will be bringing home a nice sized bag of fresh organic produce virtually every night that will not be sold due to minor apperance imperfections. So he gets it for next to nothing, and we will not be starving anytime soon - awesome!
Out for now, i just filled the whole house w/ smoke toasting a bagel in the oven. nice

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Just wanted to move my ass down the page

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THis is where we were last weekend, Coachella 2007. Quite a good time, quite a LARGE show. Under "the spider" that you see in the pic is where we would meet up when seperated. Piddy also spotted a friend from cleveland under the spider, also meeting his friends there. What a coincidence. I am now on kick of seeking out GOOD music fests around the country ( we all know there are BAD ones) and, I think I will have to attend Rock the Bells in San Fran in August, because of the line up (we missed rage @ coachella) and b/c it's in san fran. Who's down?
Who am I kidding.
I am broke as can be, but maybe it can happen anyway.