life is peaceful there, go west, in the open air...
Yeah that's right. A little PetShopBoyz, for you , Nasty Nate, despite the fact that you do not visit blog-a-licious, and i rarely see you in the real world. But anyway, I am TOTALLY heeding the advice of the all-knowing petshop boys, and going west: FIRST to a film festival in san diego for Piddy's big-time big screen debut, SECOND to visit Santa Fe and find a place to call home for the next year, possibly more and FINALLY to move on out to new mex and study the fabulous healing art of massotherapy. Just thought I'd announce that on the licious in case anyone didn't know. So, friends of Silky, get your QT in while I am still here, which would be the rest of summer, which is flying by like a mofo on a jetpack.
I truly do want to go camping, somewhere not too far of a drive but a nice spot. I think it could be done. Don't you ? MJ and VSL headed to PA at some point today, i hope they've got nice dry weather. We should go visit my aunt and uncle in PA, since they have a sweet hot tub on their deck and they are good times. Who's down? leave a comment.
Today started nice n easy with sleeping in and bomb ass beer batter waffles courtesy of mama carole. Then, grocery shopping and laundry and chill time with Dr.J and posse, Rufus in tow, as he cannot bear to be left alone. at all. ever. understandable, i suppose. i am always speculating the roots of his emotional/behavioral issues. Won't know for certain until he starts talking back, which should be any day now.
So, ummmmm, yeah. I just finished my online student loan app. and thought i would cruise on over to the blog and say whassup. no RT, no pics yet, my rambling text is all i can offer from this frigidly air conditioned dining room in west park. Maybe i will download commander keen, computer video game of my youth that has recently made a massively time consuming comeback, onto dr. Js computer...
maybe i will go eat more watermelon. mmmmmmm.
More later ; 0