We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fireworks all around

So I just rolled out of bed, which in my opinion, our forefathers would want everyone to sleep in until 11:00 AM everyday, but they failed to articulate that in their writings.

So much to say. Working at the Mediterranean Food Store continues to be HILARITY. Had my daily visit from B.H. yesterday (name withheld at his daughter's request for her sake), and he just cracks me up. He rarely purchases anything, just toddles around the store asking deep questions like, "does all cheese weigh the same amount?"

Planning for the big wedding and having some trouble finding a hall. Slacker Nasty Nate has failed to secure the Masonic Temple which would have been the perfect spot. I don't even think he tried. So last night we were out on Banks Road for dinner joined by Fiesty Liberal and Eddie. They were making all kinds of suggestions, just throwing stuff out and then F.L. practically jumps out of her chair and says "I've got it! The perfect spot! There is this BEAUTIFUL old Czech club on Clark and W. 44, it is so BEAUTIFUL, really it is great, it would be a great place for a reception." Since Taj and I are driving home we decide to swing by and check it out.

Well, I don't know if F.L. has been there recently, but the BEAUTIFUL Czech hall has a bullet-shattered glass front door and a big big sign that says "Million Dollar Gentlemen's Club--Live Entertainment" on the front. Yes, an excellent choice for a reception.

Well, gots to get ready for the big world cup match between Germany and Italy. Oh yeah, we know who's going to win. Prepare for Ein Grosses Whup Ass as my people regain their football glory!


Blogger Klassy Kate said...

Silk, J.Ho., Piddy, et al--fireworks and cleveland orchestra on friday night on public square! bring a snack. if you want to drive over i can park you at VH...or meet up at old stone church between 7:15-7:30ish. I think MJ is down. Call me with Qs.

9:00 AM

Blogger MedusaJ said...

I know of this groovey little shack on Duke that could house a kick ass wedding reception!!

3:36 PM


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