I had a thought @ some point over the weekend to compile a post of a few of the best stories/memories I have involving me and getting really high. Inappropriate? Let me know. This is stemming from reminiscence of the day that my ride to school had with her a quarter ounce of high quality green stuff, which she decided we should eat (all of it) before we entered school that morning. (one of the)Best day(s) of my SJA career.
You can not raise Kai in Nashville. He'll be stifled, not to mention forever changed by the country music scene. I know Klassy is there, but just visit her. Tampa I don't even have to argue, do I?
I'm gradually starting to exercise @ home. My set up is on the 2nd floor and involves 2 yoga mats, a jump rope (love it), yoga ball free weights and a stretch band. If i don't lose some fucking weight, and soon, I am going to - well, I don't know what I'm going to do, but it could be ugly, I know that.
I am taking this review class for the Ohio exam in June - saturday mornings is the class, and the guy teaching it is one of the best teachers I have ever had across my educational experiences. He gave us DVDs to help learn the muscles of the body, I started one the other night. He names the muscle, where it originates and inserts, then he draws that muscle with a marker on a model. Naturally, he starts with the glutes, so I start this DVD and there is some person, their head cut off by the camera angle, in a thong, and he proceeds to draw the muscles on at a time on this persons ass. Hilarious. Honestly, though, a good example of this mans teaching genius. He really knows how to break things down and explain them. Not to mention I will never forget the image of him drawing on an ass, therefor can picture the glutes, clear as day.
I have decided to lay off on pleasure reading for a bit to focus on massage stuff. I was reading some stuff by Studs Terkl (Hard Times, about the Depression which to no ones surprise could have been written over the past 2 years or so - oh, circle of life). I worked myself into a frenzied overload of nutritional input by delving into the Abs diet, then Anti Cancer, then Healing with Whole Foods, Jesus Fucking Christ, could science just give me the pills to take to meet the ideal nutritional needs to lose weight avoid cancer and be the picture of health? Please? Is it too much to ask? Come on bitches, it's 2010. --Anyway, no fat dairy? full fat dairy? eliminate dairy? (no, to that last one) Peanut butter? almond butter? Avoid tahini(!!) and replace with SESAME BUTTER!? I am not Asian, Paul Pitchford. I am so NOT Asian.
So, I'm just going to try to cook or have Perren cook more whole grains and legumes. Thats all I got (eying the empty plastic cup on the table that once contained an iced mocha, however, it was 2/3 toddy, I do what I can, Thank you) - which reminds me , we will have Internet and cable and DVR @ home on Friday - can you believe it. It's with Time Warner so it better not suck balls. A guy Perren knows ( he lives by you JHM and he was on Jeopardy recently and won) just settled a class action law suit against AT&T who settled for over 3 million because he investigated and revealed that he and his neighbors were paying for high speed DSL and ATT was capping their service so that they were not accessing the speed of bandwith that they were paying for. I am quite certain that P and I were experiencing this on W 30th St. b/c the shit was sooooooo slow and the router/modem were right next to the computers. Sneaky bitches better not fuck with it this time around, or they're going down.
I am off to take dogs to park and proceed with day.
I concur, Baby Taj cannot be raised in Nashville. His exotic bi-racial-ness will loose appeal with a southern accent and a love for country music and pick up trucks. I mean, of all the cool cities in the USA? Come on Big Taj...what are the other locales J-Ho?
12:32 AM
Well, so far there are no other locales, but big taj really wants to live on the west coast. but we'd probably have to move into my former boyfriend's teepee, b/c there is no way we could afford to live in san fran, where we would like to. i will keep you all updated as potential locales emerge.
silk, i would like to hear about your greatest high times. i have a couple to share, most from dayton, involving klassy.
7:15 AM
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