We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm tired

I'm tired of being tired. Alas, until they approve use of Afrin for infants, or until Spring comes, I'm not anticipating getting any sleep. Poor baby still has a cold, and I'm coping by drinking more coffee. In fact, going on my third cup of the day. And, eating cookies. Lots of them. Silk, hit the bootcamp up for me too, next time you go.

I took a short walk today to get some soup for lunch and am amazed at how much snow is out there! Crazy! As you can see, not much to blog about. Its been a slow few weeks here.

I'm in complete amazement at the "tea party" movement and their "leader" Sarah Palin. There is a good article in the most recent New Yorker talking about the movement. Heard Palin's remarks to the nationally gathering of tea party-ers (do NOT want to make the same mistake some other politico did in referring to them as "tea-baggers"; not to mention there is only one tea bagger in my opinion, that would be Tea Bag Dan, we can share his story in a later post). Anyway, as I listened to the radio program and the chants of "Run, Sarah, Run", I realized how completely and totally FUCKED UP so many of my fellow citizens are. I mean, really. Really. REALLY.

I know I'm a-preachin to the choir. So may as well go make my coffee and have another cookie. Look for a more inspired post soon.


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