Thursday, September 28, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Mullet Kids Rock! a.k.a. Its a Family Affair

Imagine my delight, horror, and glee (pretty much in that order) when I realized a student at my school has a mullet! I immediaetly tried to procure a picture of said mullet when I realized, wait, even though this would be great for the blog, I probably would lose my job for posting this. Not that I think anyone I work with knows about this blog, however, there are some super savvy internet users and it wouldn't take much for someone to stumble upon this, unearth the true identity of J.Ho. and well, then, I'd be back at the WSM selling some cheese. No one wants that. Especially the customers. So, I decided to post this picture instead, of another young innocent victim of PIM--Parent Instigated Mullets. We must all join the fight against PIM. The children are our future, how can they lead the way if they have bad hair?

Sunday, September 17, 2006
a bit more
back at the coffeeshop. there are 4 dogs on this 10x10 patio. I thought it might not work but ruthless and his fellow gangbanger are doing quite well. Klassy's latest reminded me of the hiking mullett that whizzed by his coming down the mountain as we were goin up last weekend. i told Piddy to trail it and snap a shot, but he said we would just use our words to convey it to medusa. we all know one pic conveys 1,000, so all i can say is my bad and i will be sure to take control of the cam next time. i have to go study for my first anatomy quiz which is tomorrow. i am hoping it is on the easier side, but i am going to purchase some post it's at walgreens, label them with all of the "bony land marks" or BLM's i must know, and stick them all over piddy. should make for a great study session. no, i'm being serious it should.
another Sunny sunny gorgeous day here, a nice cool breeze kickin off too. we drove up int he mts last night, initiallly to cath the sunset but we left home a bit late, saw some amazing views anyway though and some great hikes and camping. saw the ski area as well as ten thousand waves, an amazing japanese spa in the mts, where i will be getting my ass rubbed (potntially by a current instructor. he he. dual relationship(new classroom vocab) on the horizon) very soon thanks to a belated b day gift cert. from dr. j. gotta love my momma!!
alright then, off to study and whatnot. for some reason here in SF, they will not recycle non corrugated cardboard, which is essentially all things one might have that are cardboard. So, Piddy has erected a cardboard box house made of our moving boxes for the deuce and his newly acquired sister, Honyx the cat. Pretty resourceful. Just took some scissors and duct tape. Also, on the deuce and his new stomping grounds, i let him outside the other late afternoon and he was no where to be found all night, until he was outside our window yawlping at 4am! Reblrouser! Like Ruthless, I think the Deuce has developed ties with a local gang. more to come.
Friday, September 15, 2006
My quest to get online has proved a challenging one. and continues so. I have about 10 mins in this coffee shop til it closes, and given my past, i cannot be the asshole who lingers. So, first off, folks who told me how great that pic of me and dr. j is.... wtf. I look crazy. It is a poignant shot of the sadness of a mother ( who has already told me she is going to start a mural of pictures of me leaving her. jesus.)
Santa Fe is pretty sweet, kids. The mountains are amazing, the sky is beautiful and amazing on a daily basis. Awesome co-op grocery store and twice a week farmers market. lots of delicious food out and about and at our place courtesy of Chef piddy.
School is going very well, too. Moving right along, massaging classmates from day one and learning lots of anatomy, with lots more to be learned.
We got some furniture in albuquerque, the thrift stores in santa fe are fucking insane. So we will be headed to alb. again in the future b/c it is a cheaper place.
So school is keeping me super busy mon-thurs. i dont have time to do much else on those days but im sure i will get more used to it.
i just remembered that i really want to look on craigs list for albuquerque so im going to cut it even shorter - damn!
sorry bloggers. you know i love you, and someday will be on line at home. until then... anticipate mopre from silk : )
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Silk-E!!!
happy birthday silk-e!
and happy birthday to me, j.ho!
yes, the ladies of the licious are celebrating their annual "festival of life"
This year, J.ho. had some wine and got a new iPod! Yeah, bitches! Look for my first random 8 (you know, silk does ten and five and klassy does six so I'll do 8) to hit the blog hopefully tonight.
Silk is celebrating southwest style in her new digs in Santa Fe. Hopefully deuce has stopped meowing and defecating by now, but I'll let Silk share that entire story. Needless to say, the Deuce almost didn't make it to the land of the Fe and almost spent the rest of his years (sure to be long ones at that) at some truck stop in Kansas. Not that that would have been a really bad thing, right? We all know that deuce is adept at finding someone to care for him and his special needs.
So, happy birthday to all the virgo's out there...let September be a month to remember!