Mullet Kids Rock! a.k.a. Its a Family Affair

Imagine my delight, horror, and glee (pretty much in that order) when I realized a student at my school has a mullet! I immediaetly tried to procure a picture of said mullet when I realized, wait, even though this would be great for the blog, I probably would lose my job for posting this. Not that I think anyone I work with knows about this blog, however, there are some super savvy internet users and it wouldn't take much for someone to stumble upon this, unearth the true identity of J.Ho. and well, then, I'd be back at the WSM selling some cheese. No one wants that. Especially the customers. So, I decided to post this picture instead, of another young innocent victim of PIM--Parent Instigated Mullets. We must all join the fight against PIM. The children are our future, how can they lead the way if they have bad hair?

where in the hell did you get this gem? who is this unfortunate family? they must live in southern ohio somewhere. maybe parma. i want details, but suspect this is simply a random internet find? do tell. i have internet at home now so, it's on. :)
6:52 PM
HOLY SHIT!!!! I just lost some OJ via my nasal cavity!!!! Who are these unfortunate, yet entertaining fools? This is a classic case of child abuse.
10:18 PM
Yes, this was a random internet find. I googled "mullets" and got a bunch of sites, I do believe this one is from "" or something similar. SILK! You are online at home! Sweet. Tell us all about life in NM. Dude, I'm getting married in three months...much to plan.
7:32 PM
the kid reminds me of stripe from the movie Gremlins. while he was still a Magwoy of course. Why they weren't sentenced to death for litting there kid have that hair cut is beyond me.
2:38 PM
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