We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Monday, August 09, 2010


Since silk has taken up the slack the past few weeks, and baby k is napping, i thought i'd try to share some happenings and whatnot. however, i just realized it is in fact MONDAY, despite what i typed into the title box. oh well, it will probably be tuesday before i finish this and post it.

not anything going on in the o.c. i start a part-time gig next week, with the intent of getting my 600 hours of supervised counseling experience finished by may 2011 so i can get my p.c. license. basically, in ohio, you pay some random state agency several hundred dollars for the privilege of working as a counselor. now, if they provided some meaningful guidance or oversight, this might be okay. but, they do not. instead, they make you take an exam (at a cost of an additional $120), which you only need a 50% to pass, and then they remind you when you need to do more supervised hours. this is not, in my opinion, responsible, ethical, or comprehensive and yet, we are bound to the system. one giant f you, to the state of o.h. and my check is in the mail, please send me my provisional license so i may start my part time job.

it is, once again, hot and humid in n.e.ohio, so our air is chugging along, but our washing machine broke today. not what i wanted to spend $500 on right now, but it beats the alternatives. considering someone was recently shot and killed at the local laundromat, and i'm not interested in playing "pioneer days" by doing my own laundry, that is the price we will pay. in the meantime, baby k is wearing the same outfit as yesterday, but he doesn't mind.

well, he's still sleeping so what else...anyone hear from klassy? thought of her as i visited honey hut last week and sampled a chocolate malt...it was good. although, someone else recently suggested that i was pregnant, making this the second time in as many months that, despite having a 10 month old baby on or near me at ALL FUCKING TIMES, people assume that my small, almost non-existent belly must mean baby number 2. well, obviously they do not know that until i get at least one year of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, there will be no baby #2. And on that note, baby #1 is now stirring, so let me sign off and try to write more l8tr.


Blogger MedusaJ said...

Shot and killed at a local laudromat, hmmm that's new (she says sarcastically). You could always buy a cheapo off Eugene or Nick P at the good ole Lorain furniture store, I'm sure he'd give you a deal. I was confused at your title, for it was only Monday here and I got dicombobulated thinking I had lost a day. Thanks for the clarification.

8:24 PM

Blogger JHM said...

Well, I think Eugene and Nick are going to take the broken one off my hands, but I'm opting for a new high efficiency one to replace it.

11:06 AM


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