We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Advice from a Tuesday

If you are at a point in your life where you may be considering things such as primal scream therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, going on a USPS style rampage or kicking someone's ass at random because you are just a -ragin' away at the stressors that abound, might I suggest an hour of cranial sacral therapy.
Holy. Shit.
I strolled into a room today, fully expecting some great relaxing bodywork, a release of tension from the problematic right side of my jaw, and perhaps some deeper insight into myself and my issues. What I ended up with was the most intense and effective therapy session I have ever experienced during which I cried like I have never before in my life - seriously, in all my life.
So. I'm glad I got that out.
Go, now, and look through the Greatest Mel Gibson Gallery known to man on Celebslam.com, you can link to it via the Superficials posts from today. Read the captions and laugh and laugh and laugh as laughter is also most excellent therapy.
There is NO reason not to eat ice cream every single day that it is above 90 degrees outside. OK, lactose intolerance is a totally good reason but get that Breyers lactose free vanilla and carry on. I'll be here with the mint chocolate chip.
Make big purchases that are super useful. It's fun. Got me an air conditioner outdoor condensor unit and the snazzy pad upon which it will be perched when some nice man, hopefully in the next few days, hooks that shit up to the ducts of my house walls. (Related advice - should you build a house that mimics a greenhouse and also an oven of sunlight, A/C that bitch stat because you are going to need that in order to... survive, yes thats it. In order to continue breathing and moving about the world.
Good night, Have a great Wednesday.


Blogger MedusaJ said...

I agree with your ice cream eating advice. It's always hot here and I find myself always with ice cream in the "ice box" as they call it here. Good thing I'm surrounded by water and can work most of it off. Cheers.

4:06 PM


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