Its beginning to look a lot like...

I am so flipping excited for Christmas this year!!
I think its a combination of: Kai, being home, everyone coming into town, feeling close w/ family, etc. Its been a roller coaster of a year, emotionally speaking, so I'm also excited that things are winding down. I have a feeling its going to be a long winter, that January and February are going to inspire cabin fever. We will have to actively nip that in the bud (Silk, I'm talking to you here).
Our tree is up, and tho it is small, it is bright. We have almost all of our presents bought! Yeah! I'm about to embark on a wrapping fury, it is also one of my favorite things to do. Who knew?
Well, nap time is almost over...I guess there was no real point to this blog post, other than to share our excitement about christmas, and of course, keep the blogging momentum going :)
nice photo! your leaving room is a cultural/religious melting pot, love it.
I am also excited for the holiday, and extremely pleased with the amount of shopping I am done with , about 90% I'd say.
There was a woman in front of me @ Target who was talking to the cashier as the cashier rung her up, tons of shit she bought including about 7 pairs of little girls shoes, because her 2 year old grand daughter just wanted shoes, nothing else. Does that strike anyone else as COMPLETELY retarded - I mean get her shoes, fine, but that many pairs - any one will fit her for about 5 seconds. But what do I know. Yay, Christmas!
10:48 AM
Aw, Kai's first Christmas!!! Love the pictures and the posts. I've been slacking on the west five two now that I have fb to post pics. Maybe I'll work on a post tonight, it's just too damn nice outside to be on the computer blogging!!!! Damn it sux to live here...
2:35 PM
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