I'm going in the style of one "Klassy" who as of today gets the vote for best rsvp response card:
1. Real estate update:
Damn, its cheaper to live there now! Note in the ad the new "no pets" policy. Um, Silk...any comment on that one? Does that include the mice Kukla was always getting?
2. Wedding:
yes, folks, it is really happening. All I really can say is WTF. Silk, when are you coming home, I NEED YOU.
3. Marriage:
what is it all about?
4. I'm bringing this story back...since Klassy shared with us about the "jizz hitting the wall", here is one for her. Back in the days of Dayton, Chief, Lil' John, Niebs, and oh yeah a whole lot of mary jane, one infamous night this crew gathered at a little house on Green Street in the O.D. (that's Oregon District for all you non-native Daytonians). Some hilarity ensued, culminating in Lil' John using a rather vulgar term for vagina, and I'm not talking tiny nina here people, and Klassy SPEWING her beer ACROSS the living room before bursting into apocalyptic laughter. No lie. I'm not sure why I felt compelled to share this blast from my past. Suffice it to say, I've been doing alot of reminiscing of late and just wanted to share and to make Klassy smile.