We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

quick comeback

protestor outside of clinic to Silk on her way in this morning :" Today could be the day you accept Jesus, blah blah blah...(no response, just heading inside) ...You need a heart transplant, ma'am"

Silk: "You need a brain transplant, sir".


Monday, February 14, 2011

Is it, can it - could it be?

Could this be the end, the end of the bullshit? The end of the waiting? The end of being ignored and blown off by the state med. board of ohio? The end of paying them, hating them, wishing they would all die and fantasizing about driving down to stupid columbus and going completely fucking postal on their asses?
to be over.
I received a letter from those bitches the other day.
The letter stated that my application has been reviewed. However, questions 23 and 24 were somehow not included in my application (! ?...really? no way!) So if I would please complete the enclosed copy of those questions and mail it back to them ASAP. Failure to respond ASAP will result in delays in the sending of my license as a result of passing the June 2010 exam. (Did you catch that part about my license?)
Let me tell you about those important questions that were omitted from my original (well, my third) application -
23. (paraphrased) Are you currently taking any controlled substance that may impair your ability to do massage therapy?
24. Are you currently taking any illegal controlled substances?
If yes to either, please explain.
I sat for a second and thought about different ways in which I might just fuck with them via my answers to these questions. Piddy, sitting across the table from me took a lengthy hit off his on hitter and exhaled it in my general direction. "Maybe I should tell them about your drug use", I mused, "Do you think they would like to keep tabs on that? They might..."
I promptly checked NO to both and addressed an envelope and stuffed it in there. Walked it down the street to the mailbox that night (our mail man can NOT be trusted to pick up outgoing, or do anything else, at all, for that matter. That is it's own whole post. INEPT, y'all...)
So here we are! My license is not in hand, but I understand that it exists! I am all done! Investigator J. Lewis decided I am legit enough to not bother criminally investigating or pursuing with fifth degree felony charges. Yipee.
Putting the form in the envelope, I muttered out loud about how I can't believe those fuckers, and then I called them the plural for the N-word, in a total Dr.J/ Louis CK moment - it's nothing to do with race, somehow the word just comes out - who knows!
I feel like this whole ordeal stemmed in part from my issues with authority - I have no respect for it, and pay it no mind - and while I nearly had to pay for that at least in some annoying way, I ultimately did not which is fucking sweet. Go me. Of course it stemmed in a much larger part from the S M board of Ohio being very, very fucking stupid. ANd thats got shit to do with me.
I would like to send a shout out to Jho and medUSA for having my back as clients. V, thanks for listening to this saga as it unfolded and always affirming that it was total bullshit and I just need to fucking move already. To my brother, thanks for the legal council, putting my mind at ease and offering to come to Cleveland to have my back.
I still would LOVE to sue them, but don't think I have any grounds. In fact I am sure I don't. Whatever. I also want to write a letter to those fools advocating that they make some serious changes to a number of their policies, especially those that impact people who choose to go to school out of state, but I don't know.. don't know if I will be doing that.
ANyway, thats that.
ALso, I worked out today for the first time in about 8 weeks, so thats good. I am making chicken soup right now, had the day off but went to do a massage on the east side and got Tommy's carry out. Can't beat that shit! ALso I am finaly reading Harry Potter and it is great.
Peace out -

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Updates, Haps, Etc.

Inspired by Silk, here are the recent happenings from Mabel Court.

I'm slowly but surely getting my resume out and about with the goal of finding an adjunct teaching position...time to put that Master's degree to some use, eh?

I'm also in the process of applying for my state of Ohio counseling license, and if Silk's experience with the state boards is any indication, I don't anticipate it being an easy or efficient process. I think they just harass us in an effort to get us to keep throwing money at them until they finally relent and give us our license.

Young master Kai has added some nice words to his repetoire, including thank you, more, mine, and what's this? Very exciting. Unfortunately, he's also come down with his 10th cold of this winter season (not an exaggeration, folks...I wish it were), so despite the sub-zero temps in Cleve today, we are going out to target and the bin to stock up on supplies and avoid cabin fever.

We're also picking up something special today...I had a natal chart of Kai done and its ready! I'm excited to see what it says...

We successfully installed the Wii Fit, so now the pressure is really on to get in some workouts...

Well, that is about it. Kai is napping and I've got some work to do for my psychopathology class. Silk, Medusa: its time for a new lexulous game.
Silk, Piddy: its time for another sequence night.
Everyone: Peace and I hear birds chirping, spring must be near!!!!!!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

se me olvido

thats I forgot in spanish.
I forgot to mention the point of my previous post, which is that I really don't like how days off from work turn into full days of running around, house stuff, etc. This seriously seems to happen to me every Sunday and Monday, altho Sundays are occasionally a do absolutely nothing day. I also occasionally manage to fit in fun stuff - case in point dinner last night at Alaturka - really good! (new Turkish spot on the west 2 5).
I also forgot to mention that I found myself Friday night watching tv and tuning into Barbara Walters' special on heart disease, in particular open heart surgery to avoid impending massive heart attacks. I was not particularly taken with this special, I felt the advice offered was 100% useless to someone like myself with no health insurance (yes, yes I'm working on it) and a hella low income. The advice given was essentially - get your ass in to NY Presbyterian hospital (this is like where ALL rich people go!) and have lots o' tests done and if surgery is indicated they will crack your chest no problemo and get you back in effect.
Barbara Wawa, Letterman , Robin Williams, Charlie Rose and Bill CLinton all members of the cracked chest club (their words) talked about their experiences. It was interesting enough to hear about, refreshing to know that folks survive that on the reg. but really, where is the information for people who are not loaded celebrities? and , frankly, doctors know what they know and it is not that much. One of them had passed a stress test, several of them had no symptoms or easily ignored the minor ones they did. I don't know. I watched it hoping to get something out of it and didn't (my bad, i know, it's a b w special..) I was also fairly incensed by Tim Russert's son saying point blank to the camera - "there is absolutley no reason for someone to die suddenly of an unexpected heart attack this day in age" - REALLY? HMMmmmm...
Maybe there is absolutely no reason for anything, jr., but it all still happens.

on time

Well, here we are - 2011. While I've transitioned pretty seamlessly, not missing a beat when writing the date. etc. it is still kind of strange to stop and think about. That's time for you.
Shit I have got to do today:
* IMMENSE amount of laundry, in the works
* take the IMMENSE amount of recycling and drop it off, Oh to live in a place that actually cares about it and picks up recycling..
* do something with Rufus before he kills us all due to lack of exercise/activity
* get these hand me downs over to Mabel Ct.
* finish calculating how much I made last year for tax purposes
* grocery store, if only for a few basics
* treadmill, jones - treadmill
Tomorrow includes seeing my therapist, seeing my chiropractor, WW meeting, stopping in my bank to figure out the best way to avoid being charged $15 per month to have a business checking account - really? No. and a friends birthday get together, and getting ready for work on Tuesday.
Things I have done thus far today:
* eaten oatmeal, drank small double mocha
*surfed the nets, read up on JD Samson who I ALWAYS thought was a dude, wonders never cease
* got some shit together to try to get some health insurance (grudgingly, but people like my dad keep harping on it, and then I get concerned about what if I DO get cancer in the near future - )
* laundry, random light cleaning
*shower -way overdue - I'm sorry but it's so true I have been too lazy/ work days have been too long and sleep has won out, so good thing today is Sunday
* watched a few minutes of the puppy bowl on animal planet - so want one. but not now.
I have also of late caught a few episodes on the A P of Confessions: animal hoarding, and all I can say is YIKES yikes yikes. I guess it is like any other of those shows - train fucking wreck - the people harding cats are particularly tragic and I gather smell like nothing else on this earth, except perhaps a vat of pure amonia. Tragic. Thank god for animal planet, helping where it counts.
I should go take this recycling and carry on, Rufus is losing it.
Medusa, did you know that you alone rock the dreads amongst our CLE posse now? That's right. Perren done transformed on us.
More later kids.