We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Friday, August 20, 2010

Just so we're clear: I stole this idea

Top Ten, Summer 2010 Redux Edition

After reading my favorite blog which recently posted its summer top ten list, it seemed like a good format to share the highlights, and some of the low moments too. Silk, I hope you'll also share your summer edition.

1. We survived a trip to Italy with my in-laws. Yes, Italy was wonderful. It was amazing. The food was incredible. I want to live there. But not with my in-laws. 'Nuff said.

2. We honored Aunt Karen, in a beautiful service that she would have approved of, 100%. It was a small solace in the wake of her death, but still, it had a healing effect. I think about her and Aunt Helen almost every single day and hope that if there is something happening after this life, they are together. And then I think, how could they not be?

3. Baby K's sleep dramatically improved. I did not think this would happen. Around last September 20th or so, I came to the conclusion that I would never sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time, for the rest of my life. And this was a HORRIFYING thought, but I was so mired in the muck that is infancy, I refused to believe anything else. Slowly but surely, he's coming into his own. He's still not a great sleeper, but it has gotten better, and I'm starting to feel human again.

4. Baby K also successfully made his first long road trip! First flying 10 hours to another country, then driving 8 hours to what at times felt like another country (W. Va. Tam-a-rac, need I say more?)! Truly, it would not have been possible without my partner in crime, the ever patient and loving Aunt Sarah. And upon arriving at our destination, we had a great weekend visit with my cousins, including my own personal highlight, young O remarking on the "big fat lady" in the pool--unless, was he talking about me? because...

5. LISTEN UP EVERYONE: Unless you see a head emerging from a woman's vagina as she bears down with great effort, and sometimes even then, please refrain from sharing your observations about her stomach or asking about her pregnancy. Because she is probably NOT pregnant.

6. Moving on. This summer also marks the end of my year long maternity leave. And while I'm technically not returning to work, I will be at a school two days a week, as a counseling intern so that I might finally finish my master's. Just 600 direct service hours stand between me and my state license. YES! Bring it!

7. My favorite food find of the summer was Mitchell's Homemade Key Lime Ice Cream. I kid you not, it is the most delicious thing you can purchase in a pint size. I am pretty sure I consumed 5 or maybe 6 pints of it all by myself this summer (see #5). It is really good. I've decided to stop shopping at the local place that sells it, because I am unable to resist buying it every time I set food in the store.

8. Despite lack of sleep and sometimes, a lack of interest, several good books were read this summer. I'll be damned if I can remember a single title though. Just a few days ago, I brought home a book from the library and started reading it, made it to page 50 (!) before I realized I had read it before. Then realized I didn't really remember the story, so decided to re-read the book. Was not any better the second time around, and have promptly forgotten the plot anyway.

9. We embarked on one of my least-favorite tasks in life: car shopping. I despise the process of shopping for a new car. Maybe its because I really hate figuring out how much money we waste on cars. Maybe its because I hate dealing with schmoozy salespeople. Maybe its because my husband loves two things: a challenge and to bargain. Me being an introvert who avoids confrontation at all costs is not the ideal companion for this process. However, he insists that I join him on this search. So far we've visited only two dealerships, which stories are their own post, they are that good. Really.

10. And, to sum it all up, perhaps the most anticipated event of the summer has come to pass. At 11:30 a.m. on August 20 in a really big courtroom in downtown Cleveland, with a group of 40 other immigrants and their cheering, crying families, Taj took his oath of naturalization and became a citizen of the U.S. In addition to representation by the Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution, the proclamations by our State Senators, and the waxings on of the presiding judge, the Board of Elections very convienently provided voter registration forms so that all these new citizens can be eligible to take part in the November elections. Taj promptly signed up and then made a beeline to the post office to apply for his passport. I must admit, I got a little teary eyed myself as we watched all the new citizens pose for photos with the judge and their families. It was nice to see so many people excited to become Americans. Took some of the negativity out of my heart.

And that, my friends, is our Summer 2010 in a countdown. Bring on Fall!


Blogger Silk E. said...


7:25 PM

Blogger Silk E. said...

ha! of course it works just fine.
If I had balls, this summer could totally suck them. Now, I'm not throwing it ALL away, I'm just saying, worst summer yet for me personally. much of it as simple as the god old Cleveland "weather" being completely uninhabitable! WTF is that, Cleveland? One could truly not be out of doors for what seems to me like 70-75 days It was more humid than a god damn rainforest. The thing I like the most about summer is BEING OUTSIDE, which has hardly happened. High points included the Cville trip, getting a new "real" (part time, of course) job and um... thats about it. oh, my new white noise alarm clock - LOVE that thing.

7:33 PM


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