We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Monday, June 29, 2009


I should have mentioned below that the other part of the top of the picture which you can not read off the scan says  - Dear Aunt Sarah and Perren, I love you -
 which I think it was raised the question for Perren - is that an artists interpretation of us ?


The most recent gifts of artwork by Cleo have been on display @ my fridge gallery since we have been home from vacation. A few days after hanging them, Perren and I were sitting at the kitchen table eating when he looked over at the below scanned item, which unfortunately did not scan very well ( but you can see the important part). He laughed, and said "Holy Shit, is that supposed to be you on the right and me on the left, in the form of a heart (pause)... because Cleo is in love with me!?". He really cracked himself at the notion. For the record, I don't think Cleo has a crush on Perren. She remains kind of intrigued by the hair, but I don't see any crush behavior. Anyway. I think it is a valid question, and I do not want to insult the artist by asking her so perhaps her parents have an opinion? Do share.
 Also worth noting that EVERYONE who has been in our kitchen has read and been amused by the top of the picture which reads in part To: you
                                                                       From: Cleo
One friend said that he was going to start using the To:you line   on cards and also not signing said cards so that they can be re carded (like re gifted) down the line.