We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bringing it Back

Greetings, blog. Long time, no post but we are freshly committed to bringing it back.
I've decided that a random 10 is the best way to kick things off, so here we go:

- 2 of the 3 of you already heard the story of Perren's French monologue to the telemarketer. Here is the skit/song from Flight of the Chonchords season 1 that inspired him

- I have never grown anything in my life, in fact killed both the bromeliad and the
cactus I got for my apartment in college, so, am
pretty excited to have very cute little heirloom tomato plant sprouts popping up in their
starter containers. They remind me of wall-e.

- I have discovered an aluminum free deodorant that actually works, well.
Kiss my Face "active enzyme" in peaceful patchouli. I just
wish they would have called it Kiss my Pits, but it's probably best they did not.

- I have (am now getting over) a HEINOUS cold. Why do PM cold medicines
make me more awake? What is the deal? Also, could
I have been any higher on Tylenol Cold Datytime yesterday?
No. I felt insanely high. I don't think the human body ought to be
subjected to the daytime and nighttime cold drugs regimine.
It's crazy, and probably does not really shorten the life of the cold.

- On the topic of my health, I still feel that it is entirely possible that I have
some form of cancer, and it pisses me off that I can't just
get a scan. I mean seriously, why wait for symptoms? Nobody wants to do that.
Apparently, I can travel to India and get myself a scan and whatever
else, no problem. So, next vacation destination, India it is.

- Just received text message confirmation that my best friend is now engaged,
everyone is getting hitched!

- I am going to have a reading with a medium on Saturday.
Will certainly blog about that, assuming it is anything interesting.
I think iit will be cool, and it is a woman from Lilydale who will be in Cleveland so saves me a trip.

- I paid $915.32 for a "tune up" and a new windshield on our CRV. No, that did not include any
"major" work, like the timing belt or catalytic converter that will need to be replaced
sometime in the future. HA ha ha. WTF is wrong with the world? Where to begin...

- One of clients informed me the other day that Mercury is in retrograde until the 30th.
i do not pretend to know jack about astrology or the planets or any of it. I was always hearing
about Mercury retrograding in Santa Fe, I think something about the geographic location of
Santa Fe makes Mercury do this more often? Some sort of special circumstance there, which
I think would explain alot about the kind of people you find there.
Anyway, my client said that communications can be messed with, so I started thinking about my
interactions /communications with people. SHe then went on and was commenting on the
computer system at her work and how it had been all wacky. It reminded me that our landline
phone has been all crazy, too, constantly indicating that there are new messages when there
are not. Kind of annoying. This morning, still in bed, barely awake ,
I hear my phone sound off that I've received a text. The text from 703 577 3499 read:
Mr. Fuckface the big headed bastard

Mercury? Who knows.

- I think that's it. I ought to get outside and enjoy the weather. I could mention as my final
item that I saw a play at Cleveland Public Theatre on Sunday that was pretty interesting.
I had read a few things about it, one of which mentioned that rape was a part of the story,
which is an understatement. Led to some random ass questions from toddling Bruce about
rape and why it occurs (as if I have the answers, I gave him my WOMS 101 shpeel).
I also wonder i Norm regrets getting Deedee those CPT passes for Xmas...

Peace out, blog. More later.


Blogger vikki said...

a planet is retrograde when it appears, from our vantage point on earth, to be moving backwards in its orbit around the sun; it isn't really, obviously, but it looks that way because of the varying speeds of the planetary orbits. mercury goes retrograde several times a year due to its proximity to the sun, and the effects of retrograde mercury are said to be miscommunication, interference with electrical and communication devices, misunderstandings, lost belongings, and random forgetfulness. so apparently mercury is retrograde at my house every f***ing day.

i can't remember what i went to the grocery store for, but i remember about retrograde mercury.

once when i worked at southeast women's center, i told my coworker i had cramps. she offered me some of her "tylenol PMS," which i gratefully accepted. half an hour later i was drooling at my desk, unable to keep my eyes open as the clients swarmed my office demanding their various medications. it was tylenol PM, of course, and i was barely conscious the entire shift. my dumbass coworker said "i take it all the time, it never makes me sleepy!" i said "that's called TOLERANCE, liz, take a look at yourself."

who's engaged?

10:24 PM

Blogger Silk E. said...

yeah i was big on nyquil for a while in my teen years, whenever i would have a cold, of course, not recreational. I think that did totally jack my tolerance and it's just over, been over, however simply sleep is able to knock me on my ass, none of that cold medicine sleep stuff combo i guess.
Jenny J and Felix are engaged. He proposed in san francisco where they are on vacation. He filled me in and showed me the ring before they left. Its a nice ring.

11:28 PM


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