My coworker was released from jail after 11 days, and she will be back at work on monday. apparetly, she was there today talking to my boss, but this was before I got there. My boss said, "I can't talk about it. All I can say is that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time". I'm glad she is OK and emotionally not too scarred and all. I do not know if the charges are sticking, I'm assuming not b/c who comes back to work if that is the case? I hope to find out the whole story one day, but I'm not sure how that might happen. Unbelievable. I went on an online mission the other day to find a cuyahoga county site, which I did, and to my surprise and inapropriate disapointment, I could not find anyone I know on there. No Kroeger uncles OR any loser friends from high school - WTF? Oh well.
I called today to follwo up on my high end spa interview, and the guy I need to talk to is on vaca til the 20th. Of course he is, and of course he doesn't think to mention that when he tells me to call in a week if i've not heard anything. I do feel like I'll get the job, but the freaking clock is a ticking, we are planning to roll out of here come sept 1/ end of August, and I can't let the spa know that. It's shady, I know, but I really will benefit from the experience and the money, so I gotta do what I gotta do. Anyway, assuming I do get it and start towards the end of this month, come sometime in August, I'll have to drop it on them (unless I just don't say shit, but that's just wrong), SO , what might be the perfect excuse for leaving a job after 3 months or so when they've verbally stated that you need to stay for 6 so they are not wasting money training you?
Are any of you blogalish community members comfortable with my using your death as an initial excuse, and then I'd just " not come back" ?
I know, I'm getting ahead of myself but planning is good.
In other news, our former housemate who moved out and is now moving back in due to a failed attempt at haveing a house with her then, no more, boyfriend. While they were together, and renting this nice condo of theirs, they took the massive trip to Rhode Island where all of her very nice stuff that professional people with real jobs have was in storage, and brought it here. So now, it is slowly but surely being moved into OUR house, and let me tell you, it's a sweet deal. Just before our out of town family guests arrive, she'll be all moved back in and the house will be pimped out. Fabulous!
Shout out to my favorite state for embracing gay marriages, and good night for now -
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