So, Um...
Barack won it. It is 70, sunny and gorgeous in Cleveland today, as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow. I saw Dr J at the polls via an overweight, Obama- voting midget.
I have been musing to myself all day -'does this mean, that there is actually a God'??
Well, who the fuck knows, but things are CERTAINLY on an upswing. I hope it lasts for a long, long time.
I had the pleasure last night of observing some Obama celebrations in the hood, and would like to share the quote of the evening c/o an intoxicated young man with a kick ass grill on his teeth :
(enters house, says to perren):
"smell my hair. you like it? It's bud light. I poured a bottle of champagne in the street, and 2 brews on myself.
I don't know what else to do.
There were cheers and tears, the crafty idea of red and blue shots (vodka and kool aid, perhaps gatorade, which i am really glad we arrived AFTER the electoral counting ,because based on how I felt and the day I had yesterday, I would have been pounding with the rest of them), then fireworks c/o Perren having a 14 year old trapped inside and having lived in new mex where they keep 'em legal, and random shouts of "OBAMA!" to and from literally every single person on the streets, in their cars, houses, everywhere.
There is a bunch of other shit I have been meaning to blog about, none of which seems relevant today, so I'll catch you all later.
Oh, I like how NBC was on some bullshit local election coverage/commercials as we were waiting to see about florida or cali or whichever and just came back to this big old banner of barack obama, 44th president.
I reached over and hit perren saying " what is that shit? what is that shit? There it is, there it is!!".
God love Perren. I hit him alot yesterday.
Can't help it. I was very excited.