My Growing sadness...p
*** I did my best to avoid spoilers of the wire 5, which is challenging, and I'm kind of resentful anyway since i was accidentally told what happens to Omar and accidentally read what happens to Chris***
... continues to grow as I progress past the midpoint of the wire season 5 and final. Yes, in large part because I know this is the end, but that's not it completely. I can watch it all over again , and have no doubts about this being the exact sort of show/film where one can potentially be missing all kinds of shit in many an episode, so watch overs are a definite. Another large part of my deep sadness results from what is happening on the show. Season 4 = heartbreaker. sooooo fucking sad. I think seas
on 5 may kill me. OK, not really, but my broken heart is being stepped upon, for sure, mostly by Marlo who I hope more than anything gets his head blown off, sometime soon. It's different, as season 4 was all about the shorties, as meatwad would say. Nothing too horrendous has befallen the young folks yet, it's all of the old heads who are finding themselves in all sorts of undesirable scenarios , and it's the younger generation, namely Marlo, who is simply a monster, responsible. It's really freaking sad too me. I really like these old guys. Even if they are all wrapped up in the game and perpetuating all that goes with it, they had a much more respectable way of handling things and to see them go down is well, such a downer. I tried to avoid any spoilers in describing my emotional plummet that is the wire, and believe i basically succeeded. 
Here's the other element. this bitch right here:

I once loved me some McNulty. The boyish good looks, "poofy hair", and disregard for asshole authority figures and all other authority in general. Season 5 reveals McNulty to be less of the man I expected him to be, which was really not that much of an expectation as I've seen his Irish drunken whore-ness. It's not really the big moral shortcomings that have turned me anyway, it was a little something. His handling of the mentally ill homeless gentleman in I believe episode 5. Again I won't go into any spoilers on the plot, I will just say this. Any decent human being would have helped "Donald" eat his bread.
No one person can solve the problem of homelessness or cure the mentally ill with their good will but for fuck's sake, McNulty pick up the fucking bread and help the man who you're using to majorly help you, you dick.
I'm going to take a wild guess here that no one else, in the wire watching world, was as bothered by this scene as I. I am a weirdo, although most viewers probably found the whole scene/ plot of that part to be damn depressing. I don't know what it is, perhaps a culmination of McNulty's prickness from the rest of the season(s) thus far. But I wished I could reach into the screen slap him for his lack of decent human being- ness.
Bitches, I just wrote a comment and this thing lost it. I can't even re-write it, it was that profound. Some bullet points are in order:
1. way to wax poetic, silk, on the wire and your feelings. I dig and concur.
2. I felt the same way about six feet, which I love.
3. I used the term "N-E-Wayz" and just wanted everyone to know.
4:21 PM
not having seen any of said season yet, i can't comment on whether mcnulty manages somehow to drop in my estimation, but it would be quite an accomplishment if he does. pretty much since the beginning, i have found mcnulty to be perfectly repulsive in every way. but season 4 ran me through the wringer, too, and i hope season 5 doesn't just kill me outright.
5:11 PM
Okay so I have fucked up royally in that I managed to actually see several episodes of Season 5 while travelling and staying in hotels with HBO. So I'm completely lost, I will now have to rent or splurge and buy season 5 and watch it from beginning to end, unless, of course, my son would happen to break the law and send me a copy.
I am a sucker for cute Irish drunks so I'm not so down on McNulty. He's arrogant and I happen to be attractive to arrogant men as long as they are smart. I hate arrogant people who are stupid. There's my rant.
8:27 PM
PS Silk, you really need to consider using your writing abilities to earn money - I'm thinking reviews of some sort. MOM
8:28 PM
did your royal fucking up include viewing the episode to which i refer with the mentally ill homeless Donald and his heart wrenching effort to eat his piece of bread? b/c if that didn't get you down on McNulty, I'm afraid you're beyond any help, or hope of seeing clearly.
2:41 AM
No haven't gotten to that seen even if it doesn't upset me now I'll have to act like it does so my own daughter doesn't think I'm pathetic. Grandma
10:39 AM
ooops, "seen" should have read "scene" - still in my plague fog
5:38 PM
I would love to comment, however I do not have cable and am not hip to netflix, therefore have never seen The Wire. But I suppose this is a comment anyway.
11:57 AM
medusa, I can hook you up with the first two season on's a must see series. Helps explain a lot of what you see going on in Cleveland especially in the hood. Dr. J
8:26 PM
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