Facebook Etiquette, anyone?
I have done some editing of my FB friends, it seems like the thing to do. You accept the request, have this friend, maybe hide this friend and then x amount of time later you delete this friend because you don't know them from adam and you don't care to.
I remain friends with someone i graduated HS with, we were at CSU at the same time, too, and she is a nice funny girl, but there are some flags here. First off, I saw that the NE Ohio Womens Expo was bringing in kate gosselin as the main speaker, and i was appalled. WTF has she ever done for women or anyone else other than her porcupine haired self? She is a total asshole, that could not be more obvious. I had a conversation , I think with Salexis about how lame this was, and see a bit later that this FB friend of mine is attending and really excited to hopefully meet kate gosselin - yikes - she is "team kate", as they say. Strike 1.
Anyway, now this lady is putting her kids potty training updates in her facebook status, and actually they have been pretty general and just encouraging/excited about her kids progress. Thats cool, though kind of borderline in my opinion. I don't think people remember ALL of their FB friends all of the time when they enter TMI territory in the status update. Of course there are cases like CCB out there, the diagnosably insane with FB accounts and we cant do much about that or their GOD DAMN friends and their god damn comments. Here is the status and comments which inspired me to share -
Status = Potty Training Day 4, Billy went #2 in the potty chair for the first time. Then the dog ate it. Why do these things happen to me?
(Revolting, but kind of funny due to her last comment/question - acceptable for FB? hmmm...)
comment - OMG! Hyserical
comment- if you are what you eat, then your dog is a poopy! (SERIOUSLY, people. seriously)
comment - at least it was the dog, not Billy. Betty ate her own poop when she was 2!
Ok, suburban mommies of facebook, they are called boundaries for chrissake. Eating shit is NOT something the random people that you graduated from high school with want to see in their news feed. Start a fucking group for moms who need to discuss their kids shit online if you really must. Just keep your shit talk and your completely inappropriate following exclamation points off my damn page.
Am I wrong here? Here on the blogalish, I welcome posts and or comments pertaining to your childrens shits. Its all in the tight knit friends/family here. I can comfortably reply with the tale of how my dogs nearly fought over an enormous piece of some other dogs shit the other day like it was a magic candy bar snack.
Oh, and of course 2 people "liked" the status involving billy and the dog and the poopy.
What kind of world do we live in, with our internet social networks and poop talk? It's alarming.
this is the sort of SAHM behavior that makes us all look bad.
seriously, it is sometimes a fine line. i myself began to compose a status update describing the disc injury i'm sure i sustained yesterday afternoon hauling my recalcitrant 40-pound almost-4-year-old from the front yard all the way up the stairs to his room for time out. but then i thought, you know, i can't even remember who all my friends are, and i have no idea what some of them might think about my plight. particularly since i postulated that spanking might have been a better alternative.
i think a periodic thinning of the friend crop is wise. altho i just tried one, and it appears that the people i attempted to de-friend are still listed among my real friends. so not sure what's up with that.
8:20 AM
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8:24 AM
Yes, there is a place and time for baby poop chat, and facebook is not it. Another favorite fb status oversharing of mine is the still crazy religious and newly crazy religious highschool friends I have who are constantly praying for each other over fb. Very disturbing for me to read all this prayer hoopla. Oh yes, and the status of "all you parents out there...." fill in the question of choice that needs advice ie) H1N1 vaccines, ear infections, the shits, etc....
2:58 PM
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