not in the traditional sense.
I saw a good friend of mine over my birthday weekend (aka labor day weekend for the rest of the country minus JHM), she is one to offer lots of commentary on her experiences, etc. and she tends to be a healthy lady who takes good care of herself. She is 40 and looks about 30, I would say.
Anyway, her latest passion in life is Kombucha. You can google/wikipedia if you have not heard of it, essentially it is a tea that contains live cultures amongst other stuff. Kombucha was ALL OVER santa fe. Everyone was drinking it all the damn time, so naturally Perren and I tried it and about gagged to death, it was GROSS.
After spending hours with my friend listening to her RAVE, I figured I would pick some up next time I could and see if it went down any easier. So when i went out to the Bin today I bought 2 16oz bottles, and Perren and I split one after dinner, I actually drank about 12 of those ounces I'd say. It tasted a-ok to me. Not like a bottle full of vinegar and fungus as it did last time. Perhaps they have figured out how to make it palatable? Perhaps what i tried before was straight up or fresher or something different (this stuff i have now had organic juice in it and the kombucha tea)
Point being, it's 2am folks, and I could run a fucking marathon.
Highly reminiscent of Dr.J and her complete inability to
1. not order a Galapagos upon entering Gypsy and
2. Acknowledge and utilize the existence of decaf espresso.
Except, I totally did not see this coming. I knew if was supposed to make you feel really good, healthy, etc. I did not know I would be completely fucking wired.
This could prove unfortunate for my 11:15am client, but there is another bottle of this magic shit in my fridge, I suppose I can hit that in the morning if I am really struggling.
SO, have spent a solid 40 mins. reading about Kombucha online, interesting controversies about if it is helpful or harmful and so on.
i think i may find that i have been converted, some of the stuff i just read had me concerned about my friend who is drinking a bottle a day, but i think i will probably incorporate it into my diet more moderately, with the knowledge to do so when STARTING my day.
If anyone is curious to try, I can recommend GT's Synergy brand, Concord grape. Just beware the buzz, plan accordingly.
well, i 've continued to enjoy some kombucha here and there, without the same riveting effect. One theory I have is that the introduction of this substance to my body provoked that reaction, it shall not be repeated. It's ok stuff, feels beneficial but it shall not be replacing my espresso, not quite getting me there.
5:25 PM
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