We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Horrifying. Fascinating.

Wednesday is technically a day off for me, but today was a crazy one. I'm pretty well over it, but earlier was quite preturbed by some alarming news involving someone who i work with and basically don't know at all. You know how it is when you work with someone and get a feel for their personality, but you have no relaionship with them at all outside of the work place. I called off of work on sunday due to pure exhaustion and, in my defense, some pretty bad cramps. When I called, I was thanked for calling (of course, wtf, i thought), and then it was mentioned that the woman I work with who works most of the opening shifts had pulled a no call/ no show the previous day, very unlike her, she's pretty dedicated and has worked there a while. While I'm at work on Monday, everyones a little worried about her b/c she has literally disappeared. Then, a call comes in, on her behalf, to inform the establishment that she is in jail, and will not be getting out until Friday.
There was some scrambling to change the sched. and naturally, some speculation. I made the comment to one of the chefs that that is kind of a long ass time, she must have done some shit, then again NM is pretty fucked with it's penal system so perhaps she just said the wrong thing to the cops or whatnot. I should add that the person who called for her said that she and her boyfriend were both in until friday on "trumped up criminal charges". So, she really doesn't seem like the drug type, but thats what I'm and I think most everyone else is guessing. Also, I have never met the boyfriend but have heard from everyone who has that he is an absolute bad vibe creep, you just have to glance at him and you're floored by the bad vibe ness, so there is that.
Perren's friend was over our house this afternoon and for some reason mentioned this website for the county where you can view anyone who's ever been arrested, etc. He starts mentioning mugshots of people we know, and I say "well shit, ___ is in jail right now", and he tells me I can scope her mugshot and see what she is charged with. So, curious about this, I check it out. I type in her name, it brings up the info and what's the first thing i see? - criminal sexual penetration WOAH!, followed by felony conspiracy and conributing to the delinquency of a minor. I was seriously floored. All's I could say was "Holy shit, do you SEE what that says"
Now, maybe this holds no interest or shock for any of you , at all. maybe, in fact i'm pretty solid on the fact that, i shouldn't be blogging about this. I figure better to not gossip at the workplace, and it's just you people far far away reading this AND, based the amount of non silk e activity, this is pretty much silk e's journal, so, here we are. This lady is definitely a little crazy, she's had her share of the kinds of things that make people crazy, but really she is a seemingly sweet lady. I don't even work with her much, but when I do, we make countless sandwiches for the masses, side by side, and I listen to her go on and on about either the customers we're waiting on or the prep we have to do or whatnot, so i guess this accounts for my shock. I have a hard time believing she is capable of anything harmful. i have a hunch that her boyfriend is responsible for any illegal happenings and she was unfortunate enought to be either aware of it, or present at the time, or something like that. Or maybe no one did anything and some minor is set on fucking with her/ their lives. Really pretty crazy either way. and what the fuck does felony conspiracy mean? that's vague as hell.
So, I' going to move on. Prior to my horrifying doscovery via the santa fe county website, I had a job interview at a high end spa. i think it went very well, and hope to hear from them in the affirmitive in the next week, as I'd be guaranteed $48 for each 50 min massage there, with 4-8 massages potentially per day of work. I just looked at the spa's site -shanahspa.com, and there is this intro with a song that is goddamn hilarious. there is scrolling text that mentions "...ancient wisodm..touched by angels...it may change your life..." woah there. someone got a little zealous with the angel talk, but it is an amazingly nice environment and spa, I'd welcome the transiton from slaving behind a deli counter with god knows who ( trust no one, people, that's all I've got for you).
I just finished dining while watching top chef on bravo. we had a steak and a beet salad with goat cheese, de-lish, and having no self control, i went for the ice cream on the last commercial break.
I think I am now going to go try to get the remainder of my itunes library, from artists starting with the letter T -Z, onto a DVD from the desktop to my new laptop here. Yes, these days i type to you from behind my sony vaio, which was on a seriously crazy sale at best buy, my friend bought one and told me it was $385 so I went for it. It is ok, but I cannot wait for the day, hopefully in about 6 months when i can sell this baby and afford me a macbook. The commercials, with the fat guy PC and younger attractive guy mac - so true.
I can't stop listening to the new Roots album, it is the shit. The Black Keys are playing a fucking FREE SHOW IN cleveland right now. i am not there. That is all, good night, blogalish.


Blogger MedusaJ said...

I believe that "felony conspiracy" is planning with someone or actually taking part in something that would be considered a felony if completed. Sounds like she was planning or actually took part in the unlawful penetration or whatever the hell it was. You never know someone, even if you think you do, you don't. Nothing surprises me about people anymore, nothing. I'm just keeping it real.

I am pretty sure you, me and Dr. J are the lone bloggers anymore, so I wouldn't worry about anyone finding out you're blogging about your alleged felon co-worker.


10:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT Sarah, I just checked out the Shanahspa.com site....sweet...will your mamma get a discount on services? Do people really pay $495 a night anywhere - I mean how could any room be worth that much. Dr. J

3:17 PM

Blogger JHM said...

Ok, I know I have abandoned blogging, but I never know what to write about. And then, Silk pulls this out! Who can top this? I agree--you never really know people you work with unless you really hang with them outside of work. But the work environment tends to really keep peeps in a sort of check.

Anyway, Silk, I'm going to think about something to blog about, but enjoy your posts immensely, please keep writing about daily life in Santa Fe...and obviously let us know if you get the job!

4:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll keep everyone posted on the shanah spa front. no, mom, no dicounts for you or me for that matter. I really want to ride a horse around the property, but that also probably costs out the arse.
on the coworker front, I've learned that she and the man are serious swingers, so , that explains a bit and creates a more vivid picture of the scenario, though I don't know that I will ever really know the true story. Straight outta dateline nbc, live and direct in the co-op deli.
I was going to suggest you come for a visit and stay at bishops lodge, mom, i thought it'd be like 100 a night or something... gues not...

4:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude your co-workers must have been "swinging" with some pretty young folks hence the contributing to delinquency charge.

I'm not giving up on Bishop's Lodge, maybe I'll hit the lottery someday.

Watch for some exciting post from Jay-ho if she does what we discussed earlier today.
Dr. J

4:45 PM


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