We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

and so it ends

we actually viewed the final episode of the wire last week, but i now finally have a moment to reflect.  Did McNulty redeem himself? no, not in my opinion. The writers gave it a good effort and all, but there were lots of other things needing their efforts and attentions, so in the end he's a douche but a well loved douche as evidenced by his grand fianle send off.  The flash forward montage of the final show was well done , I thought. Showed us where everyone ends up, some with more specifics than others, but everyone's collective results proving the point that it's ALL in the game, which does not really change, and it's mandatory to both sell someone out and fuck someone over to come out on top. I've never been directly involved in the game of politics, seeing what goes on behind campaigns, terms, etc. I do get the feeling that the portrayal of Carcetti and his experience in city- state politics is probably pretty near to being exactly what happens to any individual who wants to get in there and "make change" - it's impossible. Things are far too royally, incestuously fucked up and anyone, even some sort of saint with the best of intentions is consumed and changed by it. Carcetti  was a self absorbed prick anyway, so he wasn't too capable of putting up a fight or sacrificing his image in anyway, but he wasn't as corrupt as a majority of politicians going in, which made his hands all the more tied.  That's just my opinion. 
 I also think the turn with Greggs was bullshit. Either BS that McNulty would share that in the first place or BS that she reacted as she did. No fucking way. I suppose that could certainly happen, but it didn't sit well with me. She and McNuts go way back, and he helped her assemble baby furniture. come on.  Not much else to say other than i freaking love Lester Freamon ad Gus from the paper, Scott from the paper should have gotten shot, multiple times, and Perren and  I find each other remarking "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit" a couple of times a day in conversation  or commentary. 
 In other news, today is my day off #2, and it would be nice if there were something going on in the blogging community with which I could entertain myself. 
hint to the hint. 
picture game?
 Perren returns this evening from a few days down in Truth or Consequences, NM where he has been working as an extra on a Jack Black/ Michael Cera/ David Cross comedy that takes place in biblical times, hence Perren is a hebrew "servant looking for work". Sounds like it's been very cool for him to take in the large scale happenings of a big budget hollywood picture, and he is also rather overwhelmed by the lack of acting talent needed for such a film, which I think is clear in nearly all a Hollywood comedy for the masses. We saw Be Kind, Rewind a couple of weeks ago. It was Ok but I expected to be laughing my ass off which I did not at any point. A nice story though, just not the humor I was hoping for, funniest thing was when I saw Gummo go by on their list of "sweded" films. 
  That's all. Perhaps I'll post again later today as I've got little else to do, and it's overcast :( 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - did Matt burn you copies of Season 5? If so, please send them to your dearly beloved mother so I can see how this damn show ends. I'm re-watching with Roxanne and we are in the middle of Season 3, right before Stringer gets taken out, she's going to freak when that happens.
Dr. J

8:50 PM

Blogger Silk E. said...

i can send you the disc matt burned me, you have to watch them on your computer but I think you do that anyway. I'll try to mail it this weekend.

1:22 PM


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