Signs, Signs, Everywhere are signs... this, don't do that, can't you read the signs?
(we all remember Tesla ,yes?)
*****Special Post***** :
A drunk Mexican hombre and his ladyfriend (who he had just picked up from work, i suspect from down the block @ Cheeks, the local gentlemans club), just ran into the fence of our frontyard going roughly 40mph in his xtra large for no good reason pick up truck. Upon hearing the noise, I first thought gunfire just outside. Scary. Upon glancing out the window to the blaring headlights, we soon figured out the situation. I noticed that within 1.5 seconds, the truck was revving and trying to back up and all I could say was "license number. get the license number" as Piddy headed out to converse. Sure enough, once the truck was free from the constraint of the fence, which was acheived by knocking down the ENTIRE fence, they were off. Not before providing Piddy w/ a name and phone number and a heartfelt promise to be back manana to rebuild the fence. Oh the humor of such quality assurance.
License number recorded, Piddy returned to the house, dumbfounded, where i stood on the phone w/ santa fe 911. Where this drunk mexican is now, I have no idea. No sign of 5- 0 here , its been about 2 hours. I suspect they have no need to come by here, when there is a drunk driver to hunt down. New Mexico has a rep for fucking up drunk drivers. It spilled over from Texas, homey dont play that.
Anyway - after 2 solid weeks of no hot water, and waking up this morning to Rufus doing some super fucking weird tic/ twitch/ whine in pain thing, which i thought may be brain cancer or some sort of neurological seizure condition ( he went to the vet who couldn't really say but it's probably nothing at all along such lines) - I, we, are thinking...hmmmm... is this/ are these signs that we should um... totally not be living here and ge the fuck out ASAP?
Im not superstitious, and I of all people know that sometimes, you just plow automobiles into you know, structures, but this is a little beyond... well , it's a little fucked up, and it makes me wonder.
So, friends, say a little prayer that Silk, Piddy and the rest of our crew make it through the near future unscathed and fully intact.
Our landlady is going to fucking shit.
Maybe it's her karma, no wait, the hot water thing was pure neglegence and if it were meant for her , some dude would have plowed into where she lives over in Albuquerque.
I think we are fairly desensitized, as we were in no way distracted or deterred from eating our delicious dinner that had just finished cooking when the shit hit the fence.
Mi vida loca, putas!
buenos noches
"Long haired freaky people, need not apply." WTF is going on out there Silk? At least the fence was there to stop the drunk New Mexican from plowing right through your house (that happened to my aunt once, three New Jersy Mexicans plowed their way through her house with their massive pick-up, then took off on foot, never to be found). I gotta ask, did he have a mullet?
9:08 PM
silk and piddy, i'm glad you won't hurt. fences often abut large structures like houses. happy valentine's day (belatedly)!
10:30 PM
no mullet, MJ.
1:35 PM
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