
I am blogging this afternoon because of the outpouring of disappointment from our loyal readers at the fact that we are approaching one month, sans new posts.
I really don't have much to report - there is snow in santa fe, still, so I suppose it is still 60 and balmy all over the east and midwest. Crazy shit.
I've uploaded some pictures, very random in nature, but the most recent ones I have. I've not been taking many photos lately, as you can see. I am not clear on how to caption so here is the rundown. They came up in an even more random order. Ah well. We have Deuce and I, Me doing my excellent Deuce impression, we have a nice close up of Rufus which I should submit to a TV show of all close ups of animal's faces. We have a New MExico sunset, a giant cross spotted on our cross country drive, possibly in Missoura?, we have my fave the green and white JESUS billboard, a sideways pink sunset shot from our backyard, a shot of our insanely awesome dog park, Ruthless in a babushka, and hte older school semi-psychedelic JESUS sign , also sighted on the trip somewhere in the bible belt.
All's I care to add is that these pictures do no justice to either the NM sunset, or the SF dog park and pose the ? - do nations of predominately one religion, non-christian, ie muslim, throw up billboard simply stating ALLAH, ALLAH IS REAL, WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY, etc.? I'm betting not, but perhaps some of you more traveled folks have seen some things I have not. THe highway side U.S of A is fucking horrifying. Much like the rest of it.
Our Jho Merugu wedding pics are on Piddy's camera, which is currently dead so SORRY Dr. J for the lack of wedding pics -
MJ, what is up with the lack of blogging from the west 5-2?
J.ho - how is married life, especially now that your in laws have left the scene? Do tell
Klassy, is it also snowing in Nashville? I wouldn't be surprised.
Piddy and I continue our addiction to six feet under, we are rolling through season 2 and while we have had some shitty episodes, most of them at least have their moments of humor, generally provided by David or Ruth. I just don't like that Brenda. She is a whore, and I just really don't think that she is the genius that they imply she is. Nate should have gotten involved with someone far cooler, and she is not all that attractive (or maybe the personality makes that so).
While I had a good time visiting tha land of cleve, I didn't feel very good for the latter week, it was kind of hectic, and I kind of drove into a building, so all in all it could have been a better visit. It was very nice to see people. However, I also gained approx. 5 holiday pounds, tipping the scale at my record heaviest. So, in an effort to combat these and a few other pounds, I am trying to eat less and better and using so that I can look at what I have indeed eaten everyday and see how obscene/ unhealthy it may be. Helps count the cals, basically. This is a little random and OCD for me as I have always lived by eating what tastes good and also what I know to be good for me. I think It's necessary right now, and I am thinking about stepping up the rash/extreme ness by doing a detox/cleanse for a yet to be determined amount of days. The one I am familiar with allows one to drink a combo of water, lemon juice, honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. One of my classmates did this for 10 days, for the cleansing purposes (she weighed/ weighs about 120 lbs. she is maybe certifiable). No fucking way could or would i ever care to do such a thing for 10 whole days. I am thinking about 3 to 5.
Here is a random 10 from my new and improved fully functional on a mac itunes library! :
1. 1% Janes Addiction Live
2. Cold Light - YYYs Fever to Tell
3. Hot fun in the summertime - Sly and the family stone
4. Diamonds and Gold - Tom Waits Rain Dogs
5. My brother's a basehead - De La Soul - De La Soul Is Dead
6. Ode To... Beastie Boys - Some Old Bs
7. Cold Heart of Stone - Frank Black - Black Letter Days
8. Yearnin' - The Black Keys - The Big Come Up
9. Coded Language - Saul Williams _ amethyst rock star
10. Girl. You'll be a Woman soon - Urge Overkill - Pulp Fiction Sndtrck.
What a lively, rocking 10 tracks.
Dude, Six Feet is awesome. Chief got me hooked. I still haven't seen the last season. Shit gets deep, and Brenda is a fucking tool.
10:24 PM
silk, so much to say back. i'm glad you are on top of bloggage, b/c I have had some serious blocks. no snow in the nash, but cold as hell. i've had to whip out the peacoat and gloves. my lips are all chapped and nasty. i can't believe that it's january...and that another semester is well on it's way. Have you read Judith Lorber's Paradoxes of Gender? Have just begun, but is v. good so far.
10:41 PM
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