We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Master Cleanse

Yes, I hate to move the OMG - wedding '06 pics down the page with this post, but it had to happen sometime and Jeff's NFTM post on his daily consumption inspired me to blog on.
I am bringing a close to day 4 of this here "master cleanse". I think I mentioned it many a moon ago in the post where I also mentioned that this past holiday season left me at my record fat ass-ist. Mind you, the point of the master cleanse is not too lose weight, though it is a side effect. The point is to detoxify the system, quite completely. This is achieved thru a 10 day (suggested for optimal effectiveness) diet of the special "lemonade" drink - water, fresh lemon juice, grade B maple syrup and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Apparently, lemons and limes (which could be used too) are amongst the most health packed food items on the planet. Who knew. In addition, maple syrup, specifically organic grade B has freaking tons of vitamins and minerals in it. Kind of crazy.
A guy named Stanley Burroughs came up with this shit in 1976 and folks have been loving it ever since, though it would appear to be a fringe of health conscious and some of what some would certainly call wacky folks.
When I first heard of it, I thought it was madness and also NOWAY could it be a healthy thing to do for 10 days. Turns out, people do it for fucking 40 (yes they reference Jesus when pulling such a long haul) and the ingredients provide exactly what the body needs to carry on yet still cleanse itself on out. So I learned a bit more about it, reflected on my eating habits and the fact that I have never done any sort of detox or cleanse in my 26 years, etc. I can't really explain further but I managed to get really motivated about this and started the bitch on Monday.
One really does not get hungry, I know, hard to believe. Honestly though, there has been absolutely no hungry growling tummy stuff. Just a fairly large, somewhat sad and nostalgic ( of 4 days ago) Missing of food. I love food, more than nearly any/ everything else. That said, if I can do this I think anyone could, If you believe in the health benefits of a detox/ cleanse. Should you not, well why are you reading this ? and, you're totally in denial.
I am notoriously low energy and have had quite a bit more energy these last few days. I could go on but I doubt anyone is really THAT interested. but if you are, I'll go on some other time.
This marks day 6 of no hot water in our house, and we wont have any until monday (maybe. i believe nothing anymore) due to the discovery at the bottom of a large hole that both the hot and cold water lines are "rotten" (thats what the guy wrote on the invoice) and need to be replaced.
The black mold has also returned to the wall that it always pops up on, conveniently located in the "shit room" - far better than the bed, bath or any other room.
Yes, readers, Piddy and I are inhabiting what I think has got to qualify as a pure shithole here, but it is our shithole which we chose to live in and it is definitely on the better end of the shit hole dwellings scale, Still a shithole though. My landlady told me today " I'm not being neglegent" - and I had not accused her of being neglegent, which obviously proves her neglegence in the matter (the hot water situation). Might I just add that somewhat stressful and upsetiing matters such as these really make a girl want to eat when she is trying to stick to a cleanse. Interesting how the emotions prompt the appetite that wouldn't even be there if all was good and easy.
Nothing else to type. It is fucking cold here , as it is most other places in the country. ALso , Piddy's leading role film will be showing at the CIFF in March - woooo hoooo. WIll we be there to see it?? I have no idea. I may not be able to unless it falls before the 19th, after that im in school, but Piddy may be there, any you should all go see it regardless (all you clevelanders). Adios for now, blogalish. Got to get my shit together to go shower at friends house, Oh, Maez Rd. you've brought me so much joy, with your trailers, and your no sidewalk.


Blogger MedusaJ said...

It sounds like u & Piddy have been having a joyus time this last week. Kudos to you on the master cleanse. It sounds inviting, however I'm not so sure I could go that long without food. Keep us posted on the life in New Mex.

10:48 AM


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