People, what is going on? A total lack of blogging - that's what. Well here I am with a little sum sum, however, J.ho feel free to come with it mmmmkay? planning the wedding is no excuse b/c I know you are not really planning it. It's going to be a total free for all. I can't wait. I'm going to shave my head and wear duct tape.
So this is the end of a long ass stressed ass week for silk. An anatomy midterm, which i think i rocked, will find out monday, and i was sick as balls with a cold but all better now. So I am cooking lasagna and drinking tea and deciding how to spend my evening. Let me just say that last night, I watched the original "The WIcker Man" from 1973 - anyone else manage to sit thru this hilarious piece of cheese? I was dying. It was pretty amusiing though, all the random nudity and pounding on walls and much more random and amusing singing of nonsense scottish songs. Back to getting all of the boondocks episodes from netflix for me.
We practiced getting up on the table and walking on people in massage class today. Pretty sweet, though a little nerve racking at first. The hamstrings can take some serious weight, man. I then had an after school polarity session with my girl who is using me as her practice - continues to blow my mind how intensley effected I am by that stuff. i dig.
Piddy is departing NorCal tomorrow so should be back here Saturday night, very exciting for me as I have been quite bored in his absence not to mention i miss my dogs!!! This house has been crazy quiet and, in addition to doing foolish things like watch the wicker man and total shit TV, the other night I got 167 lines playing tetris. It was fucking amazing, and i would not be surprised if it is indeed a world record as far as number of lines.
Something I wanted to share, for those of you who may have missed it over at Notes from the Muck -
check that out, make sure there is no food or beverage in your mouth b/c you may very well spit it out.
I guess i am off to play tetris or perhaps watch south parks and feed the cats before they turn on me which it looks like could happen any moment.
holler back, cleveland. i'm lonely.
Good heavens! I didn't know you could do that many lines on tetris! Tell me about polarity sometime...I don't know anything about it.
10:50 AM
Tetris rocks. I bought Scrabble last weekend and it came w/ a disc, so I was thinking 'Sweet, I can play by myself til my dogs turn on me due to lack of food & hydration,' however, that was not the case. It turns out that you only get a 60 minute trial of the computer version. It cut off right in the middle of an intense game that I was winning. My first word was Blintz for Christ sake!!!! Fuckers.
10:42 AM
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