I Love My India

Well loyal friends and readers, we are back! And I'm taking advantage of being wide awake at 2:00 a.m. to post some of our best shots from the asian motherland here on the blog. India was AWESOME. You all should come with us on our next trip--seriously, the only thing that would have made the trip better would have been to have more peeps with us because it was a blast...there were some definite moments of hilarity--like the overnight train to the big Hindu temple that shall not be named here...then there was the time when I almost passed out in a train station (Silk, I really needed you then!)...so I will share some of the pics now and keep updating. I tried to break into bollywood, but it wasn't the right time for me...I'm hoping on breaking in on our next trip.

awesome pics, Jho, esp. the ones of you and the Vas.
I am definitely coming w/ next time, no need to persuade me just tell me when you plan it!
8:22 PM
i just clicked on each of these pics to make them big and they are even better that I realized - jho, you look super hot and bejewled and that henna is fucking-A!
I may have to frame on of these bitches of you and the Srinivas.
Classic India, baby.
10:44 PM
WHY THE FUCK has everyone abandoned blogalicoius!? I will henceforth not view this as a blog but simply as a way to communicate with my cousin Jho.
11:06 PM
Dude, love the pics!! Look out Bollywood, here comes the J-Ho.
1:53 AM
Yo- Jay-ho you look awesome, if your skin and hair were a few shades darker you could pass for the real thing. I'm definitely in on the next visit to the motherland however I am having a hard time imaging myself in that get-up and it looks like it's not optional with the mamma and sister always in full garb. Imagine showing these pictures to your kids some day, that will rock. Dr. J
11:40 AM
Silk, you are cracking me up with your comments. Classic India is right! And looks like your rant inspired some comments from others...strong work! I'm working on my next post now...
3:44 PM
Dude, Dr J and I always post. The rest of the cyberblog stalkers are lame.
5:16 PM
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