We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some Blogworthy Happenings

I don't think I've got 10, but I'll share all I can recall. Some good stuff here, folks.

1. Adventures in Takeout -
Fresh on my mind as it happened mere hours ago. Nobody felt like cooking any of the homegrown delicious veggies in our fridge so take out was inevitable. Minh Anh's menu was studied, decisions were made, they are closed Mondays. A delicious local Thai spot had been discussed, and dismissed as too pricey. The Thai was then our obvious plan B. We order, pick up, bring home, plate and begin to consume. I have been eager to try "drunken noodles" for awhile now so thats what I had ordered, even though I think this place does it not in the traditional manner. Mine is good, a little spicy, Perren is going to TOWN on his entree, and I notice something in my noodles that does not belong. I remove it and place it on the table saying " What is that??" "It's a noodle" replies P, without even looking. " Nope" I say. "THAT. What is that?" Perren proceeds to inspect and says " Ohhhhh. That's a maggot". Now, perhaps it was a maggot. I've seen maggots. This (dead) creature appeared to me to look like something I have seen in an old can of bread crumbs before. I think it might be accurate to call this a meal worm, but I'm not really sure. It was a small slightly curled white wormish thing.
Appetite -gone.
How to proceed? Perren can't stop eating his dinner since it is so damn good. I can not make peace with Perren having just paid $30 for our dinner to have found this in it.
It is a REALLY small place, and trendy, and pricey. I like it a lot, and did not want to cause a scene, I recognize that shit happens. P kept saying, "they'll make you a free one", as if I would want that - no thanks. I thought it best to just get our money back. So that is what we did. The woman I dealt with simply voided the card transaction and that was it, I thanked her , at no point did she apologize or anything to me.

2. Why do the crackheads LOVE Alexis's porch/ front of her house?
I think it is just inviting to them. Often an empty 40 is left on the porch. I had to stop once and watch these two guys, because they paused, essentially on her porch, in order to roll a blunt. Her porch just screams shelter from the storm to any a passing drunk or crackhead here in the hood. We dropped her off Sunday night after a dinner in Brecksville and as usual waited for her to get safely in. On her way to the door, she noticed something and took pause. Upon inspection, she yelled back to us that someone had abandoned their nasty boxers there by the bushes. Moments later, she put all the puzzle pieces together. She picked up the empty plastic bag that had contained the new and surely unnecessary yellow pages and said " someone took the phone book from HERE, wiped their ass with it, and left the phone book and boxers".
Yes, someone took a shit in her front yard, and yes, they wiped their ass with an entire fucking yellow pages phone book - not a page or pages torn from -
Some things will never change, Ohio City, try as you might.

3. I was pulled over today by a cop, and he pulled over another young woman along with me. He said that we had run a red light. I had absolutely no idea wtf he was talking about. I had given him my license, and he informed me of why he pulled me over. I observed the other woman who had pulled behind me and based on her animated reaction, she had no clue wtf he was talking about either. I looked in my rearview and could see the light behind me, so I guess that is the light I allegedly ran. I got a little stressed about the whole deal as I was sitting there, and then I thought, fuck that, and fuck this motherfucker too. So I chilled out, but was kind of miffed because I like to think that I am always aware of the lights that I run or come close to running. Anyway, he came back to the car and said "Who are these Hedderson people?" (Perren is on insurance policy with his parents) and then said " You don't have any violations on your record" to which I responded "True". He gave a warning and then said " don't go running red lights at major intersections, people get killed that way".
It was really weird, and I am wondering if light was blown thru, or close to, or what. I wrote down his car number and the time and location because I really started thinking, would he care to prove that I ran that light? Ultimately, a non issue.

3. Got haircut (trim) and high lights today, got pulled over after leaving salon.

4. Was on my way to the BMV to renew my license - thats right - totally ahead of the game on that - when I was pulled over. Is that ironic? maybe a little.

5. My dad has a history of gift giving that often falls a little short or leaves the recipient kind of bemused. His wife seems to exacerbate this, for reasons I think are understandable. She has the most f'd up taste of any person I've ever encountered. So, they were traveling recently and brought me some really good stuff - a canvas bag I will totally use and a simple solid copper bracelet. They bought Perren a necklace that cracks me up, I am too lazy to get a picture, but i will. It actually looks OK on him, and in a laughing fit last night I went and put on the necklace they got me last trip (thinking it was even more out of control that Perrens), and I was told it actually worked very well with the outfit I had on, so there you go.

6. The dogs were SO fucking dirty, and are now SO fucking clean b/c we took them to a DIY dog wash. Good times were had, well worth the $15.95 per dog. Rufus is amazingly shiny and soft, I want to do a glamour shots session with them to preserve this state.

7. Watched some really good movies while Perren was down with the shingles - Religulous, Frost Nixon, and Slumdog Millionaire.

8. Ate at Empress Tatyu on E.55 and St. Clair - delicious Ethiopian, and there are straw huts you can sit under inside the restaurant - sweet!

9. Work should actually commence on Perrens house sometime soon. Then, we will actually live in it. May wonders never cease.

10. We saw Frank Black live for the first time - just him with an electric guitar and harmonica. Only show I have seen where the performer has a little tableclothed table with a bottle of wine and wine glass and whacks a bottle of wine through his set. VERY awesome set it was with many tunes from show me your tears, honeycomb, and all sorts of Pixies stuff. Really cool time despite clusters of drunken retards in the crowd, one of whom had a sick ass mullet.


Blogger MedusaJ said...

Fucking Cleveland!!! Shitting in someone's front yard and perhaps in your boxers, causing you to leave them, and then wiping your ass with the freshly printed yellow pages, priceless. I will never stand or sit on that porch again without the mental picture.

9:20 PM


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