in other news...
First off, let me disturb the rest of you as I have just been:
Yesterday, I began using, again, for about the 3rd time in my life. It is set up to keep track of allll that is eaten everyday and tells you the nutrition info, etc.
So, today I type in "milk", to add a glass of milk that I consumed earlier with the chocolate pecan pie (this is the idea, that seeing the pie in print will make me think twice, of course it's best to eat it and clear my house. of course)
anyway, "milk" brought up about 200 results from the type in a food to add a food already exisiting menu thing. The SECOND food choice on the list is "Milk, human".
Infants do not, cannot, log onto computers, onto diet sites, in order to keep tabs on their daily consumption. What then, is the meaning of this?
I for one do not know that I want to know.
Secondly, I have just received a very lengthy email from Dr. J aka Grandma containing numerous photos, allegedly from Olan Milla, a photo studio in Cleveland popular for the senior high school pictures, family photos , etc. I will upload some for our amusement even though I feel kind of bad. I think it's Ok though, since I am not including the ones that I think would be the meanest*. *It is not that poor mans fault that Olan Mills made him look retarded (course, he may be retarded, either way -)
here you are:

if anyone is up for caption contest, we've got some serious material here.
11:33 PM
2nd to last photo - two gents - one in blue shirt is saying
"get your hand out of my ass"
5:41 PM
I love the little kid wrapped in the flag. I wonder if it's made of fleece or is just regular canvas?
10:10 PM
I saw an interview w/ a man that purchased and drank breast milk during chemotherapy to fend off cancer. Needless to say, his cancer is in remission, so maybe it's catching on out there! Also, caption for fat red shirt photo: Dog - "Someone help me, I can't breathe!!!"
6:28 PM
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