A New Post. Yay!
Greetings from Fanta Se. It's been a while. We had a busy few weeks hosting some out of town guests, Bruce "Seabass" H. and Chief, at the same time. The few of you who are acquainted with both of these guys can probably try to imagine the fascinating conversations and pretty constant hilarity that this involved. Highlight of the visit for all of us was an evening at Ojo Caliente hot springs. I didn' t think that bathing suits were required so i pictured myself in one spring and the men in another. Alas, all is co-ed and suits are required so they have tons of suits for you to borrow, as none of their advertising/ website mentions bringing a suit. This led to me in a classic one piece with a zipper from the chest down the stomach, just in case one feels the need to flash. Chief was concerned that he would not be able to partake in a soak, thinking that no way would he find trunks to fit him. The woman kept saying "how about this one?" and pulling out size L trunks. Chief laughed, and did indeed find one that worked.
We ate many awesome meals, one at an Indian spot downtown that I went to once before with friends. It is DELICIOUS and the service is so good and friendly, it is crazy. We noticed on the menu that it has been voted by Zagat as the best Indian restaurant in the U.S. - Damn! So, some incentive for you blogalish readers to come on through...
We wanted to have a little get together or something chief's last night here . unforunately we have no friends here so we couldn't quite pull that off (the 2 friends we do have, Ron and Missy were out of town, if they had been around, a party would have been in full effect) so, chief perren and I decided to go see a movie and saw Into the Wild, by far the most depressing in years. It is really good an a pretty amazing true story but DAMN is it sad. So, a little irony there, fortunatley we were still able to enjoy a large popcorn and come home and watch some squidbillies and play some wii golf to cheer up.
Winter has been in full effect here, some crappy days for the out of towners but today was super sunny and the mountains look beautiful, always nice.
Also blogwothy is the hematoma saga of rufus, aka conehead. He rocked the cone for 3 weeks with this little tube in his ear to drain the hematoma. Did not work, so had to have a little surgery and his ear is now a bald, sad looking mess full of stitches and of course this means - yep, more conehead. I haven't taken any pics this time around but have a few glamour shots from a couple weeks ago. Rufus running into things, people and the other dogs with his cone continues to crack us the fuck up. It is absolutely retarded how amusing this is . Perhaps some of you other dog owners know the endless humor of which i type. The cause of the hematoma, you ask? a little new mexican something called a foxtail, which , like it's friend the goathead, really squashes my desire to live in this state. I'll see if I can't dig up some visual aids for all of you back east.
So, not much else. I think i gained about 9 lbs with all the eating we did these past weeks, see what i can do about that between now and xmas. probably not much. Yes, Piddy and I will be gracing Cleveland from xmas eve til Saturday morning, so get ready for a whirlwind visit.
I just browsed photobucket for "goat head" - SICK! a bunch of satanic ritual shit! Did find a pic on google of the cursed thorn of every front yard here, It does look like a goats head but maybe also has some satanic ties in the name if the weed as it is clearly from hell based on the agony it causes to the feet, soles of shoes and paws of all of us.
Peace out for now, peeps. See you all in a couple of weeks -

here you have the bitch ass goat head thorn, and the bitch ass hematoma of the ear causing fox tail grass
Behold the Conehead. Rufus: A Day in the Life of.

Poor conehead! Pretty hi-larious, though. How long will you be in town? Why do you call Bruce "Seabass"?
8:10 AM
we'll be there monday- sat. of xmas week. I'm not sure about the seabass, it's some family thing from a quote or a movie "kick his ass, seabass" _ ??? i have no idea, could probably consult sa-lex on that. I do get a kick out of it.
2:19 PM
Cody had to sport the cone back in the spring when Raja bit a quater sized hole in her ear. I do know the hilarity you speak of!! It is endless humor, and sad when it is over. That Rufus is a handful.
5:00 PM
i am laughing my ass off over that cone...can't stop visualizing it long after i've turned my computer off...fucking hillarious. Dude, didn't you know the plot before you went to that movie...it's a real story and everybody knows the guys dies...hence, i've been avoiding it.
7:46 PM
BTW...what's the name of the Indian restuarant
7:46 PM
all i knew of the plot was that it was a guy who said fuck society and went to live in the alaskan wilderness...awesome, i thought. Our old housemate and her bf saw it the night we saw no country for old men, when asked how it was they both said " it was good". No sign of tears, no adjectives such as devastating, tragic, incredibley sad. Makes me wonder about those 2 and their emotional states...
It is a great film, i think everyone should see it, just be prepared for the depth of the sadness. I dont know if any of this Indian loving crew has seen the film Water? really great and beautiful sad one. The sad ones are always good. I have Fire by the same Indian woman director to watch about lesbians in hindu india, sure to be a pick me up (sarcasm). Obviously, i have a sad film pattern.
8:14 PM
India Palace is the restaurant on Don Gaspar Ave. I have the owners card- his/ her name is Narendra Singh Kloty. Just throwing that out there, maybe Vasu has some connects?
If you're asking b/c you're thinking xmas gift certificate, that is a fine idea.
8:17 PM
I'm asking cause I;m thinking I'll go there next time I visit SF....MOM
3:10 PM
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