Why I Procrastinate
Because time spent messing around on the internet leads to discovery of gems such as this.
Can you guess what this is?
Yesterday you were a regular, normal heterosexual with a wife and kids like most people but today youre genetically modified. It came in the night and you breathed it in your lungs. It got in your bloodstream and manipulated your identity. Its airborne biogenetic engineering agent (Formula 4708) is splicing your RNA messenger cells without your permission. Your edited RNA messengers tell your brain what cells to supercharge and what cells to deactivate. Yes, your hypothalamic cell cluster is getting smaller. Your anterior commissure growing larger. And theres absolutely nothing you can do about it. Youre gay. You felt different when you woke up but you didnt quite know what it was. You stared at your best friends ass all morning. How are you going to deal with this horror? Will it last forever? Your wife went out and bought that set of power tools she told you last month you couldnt afford. Yup, shes gay too. Your friends, neighbors, even your kids. Everyone, that is, except the gays. Theyre all straight. The whole worlds sexual orientation reverses. Scientists will find an antidote for sure. Wont they? How long will it take? A year? Two? And when an antidote is finally found, youll be first in line to take it. Wont you? Wont you?
Could it be the movie Piddy is starring in, that sounds absolutely freggin' hilarious????
4:45 PM
that would be my guess, too....
5:58 PM
goddamn gay rats!
( insider joke, you all will enjoy post viewing this fine, fine film)
11:23 PM
how could you leave out the ..."that's right. queer as a three dollar bill."
11:27 PM
Oh yes...a little "Horror in the Wind" preview
3:12 PM
Sounds like a rant from one of my brothers......
9:34 PM
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