We've Got to Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Caption Contest #2

Caption Contest

Sunday, November 14, 2010

how about an extensive rant?

****NOTICE : this was going to be an easy like Sunday morning post, then I started typing about "the house" and my related frustrations, so it is totally NOT an east like Sunday morning post.*************

I don't know. I mean, I'm glad we have not thrown in the towel. I hope we never do. Jho, you could take pics of Kai, I could take pics of Rufus and we could do caption contests. I love talking for Rufus, or more specifically when Perren does, hours of laughs for me. Of course that is probably couple humor that would not translate well.
Here is what I've got to share on this Sunday:
I've decided to start going to weight watchers meetings. I get the sense that it works better than anything else out there. I have to decide whether to go to the once a week meetings downtown or out in rocky river. I just want to lose 20 lbs - that's not a lot. It's not 50 or 100 or 200 lbs. Kevin, the wise personal trainer told me that fitness/weight loss is 80% food, 20% exercise and left to my own devices all I am capable of doing is THINKING about losing those 20 lbs. and how great I will look and feel, as I proceed to eat whatever I want and way too much of it. So we will see how the watchers works with that. I'll keep you posted. Often, when examining my body shape in the mirror or reflective glass of my shower, I am amazed that this is what it has come to look like and I haven't had a baby. What if I had one - what then - I mean jesus christ. I don't expect understanding here, you people don't see me naked. And clothes - CLOTHES have become such a fucking issue - flattering clothes that is. And it's annoying. That is all for now.
I'm going to clean house today, which reminds me that as far as blogging and blogging regularly, all I can think of to post about on the reg. would be stories from P-term and abortion related information and issues that this christ forsaken house that will never, ever be finished in the true sense of the word allowing for a comfortable home that can accommodate guests. and I just don't feel right about taking to the world wide webs with stories of other women's business from work or rage fueled rants about why in the fuck this house is not done (***..yeah I typed this and I thought it true too but the I just kept typing, therapeutic blogging, I guess...***) and why so many things that have been done have been done half assed (not by my bf/lp (thats life partner, and is an inside joke)) but by a certain toddling someone, the workings of whose mind have got to be one of the great mysteries of our time. I've been accused of not being patient, which makes me laugh. But it also makes me not express my frustrations, if that is how they are going to be perceived. I'm not a princess, I don't have expectations as to how or where I need to live to be comfortable. I am pretty flexible, actually. It's just that - who would think it would be a good idea to move 2 huge hairy dogs into an incredibly modern house, every square inch of which is wide fucking open to collect hair dust dirt, etc. - and a yard? no, no yard - the empty lot next to the house needs to remain separate so that a house can eventually be built there - when will that happen who knows, no plan, who will finance that - ditto - but don't bother fencing it in for your huge depressed dogs b/c that fence will have to come out when a house it built there. mmmkay. Who needs closets, shelves, towel racks, coat racks or any type of storage area in a home for 2 adults and two said dogs? TOWEL RACKS, people - 2 bathrooms, 2 showers not a one TOWEL RACK or hook or NAIL in the wall on which to hang a towel. Why don't I just buy a towel rack? Because, I bought 4 portable closets, a central air conditioning unit, a king size bed, a dyson vaccuum, an industrial mop and bucket, a shower curtain and tension rod for the shower with NO WALLS that spews water everywhere and so on, that when I think about buying a towel rack or replacing/fixing the front door under which rain water flows freely or buying another portable closet to put inside of said door for coats, etc. or putting a wood floor down in the basement or fixing the faucet handle on the basement shower, the only usable shower, so that you don't have to stand outside of the water stream for 5 minutes applying the exact amount of tension to the handle in order to turn it to adjust the temp. which goes from freezing to scalding in .008 of an inch, I just can't bring myself to go ahead and do these things and pay for these things because this house was not my idea. I live in it, and I pay half of the mortgage loan which isn't technically that b/c we don't have an occupancy permit - isn't that hilarious!? Yeah we've live here for 8 months now - anyway - I'm happy to pay that and half of the bills and all. My frustrations don't come from the lack of things happening quickly - shit with houses can take forever, i get that, but the way I see our situation is that if I don't financially take care of things, who will? How is P going to budget any one of these things as far as his income? It's not possible. His parents took out a loan that finished the major construction - the tile floors, wood floor, counter tops, kitchen, bathrooms, stair case and then before finishing the basement, the landings, replacing the huge window with a BB gun hole in it, putting actual steps up to the door or out of the back sliding door, the toddling one takes the remaining money to put into a house down the street that is going to land him IN JAIL if he doesn't do something with the exterior/ interior of it as it has sat empty for probably a decade. So you see, my frustrations are that I don't see any of these little things or big things happening ever, there is no plan, just a never ending half way there. I'm sure it is partly because I am virgo, and I want to button things up a certain way and have money in the bank to do so and so it's really hard not to. Really, really hard for the virgo. Also, need I remind anyone who knows me at all that we may all die today, or tomorrow, or next Tuesday? I am patient, I have extensive patience but I am also realistic and pessimistic and really not comfortable with wasting time.
My point is that I bought hooks for towels at home depot like 3 months ago, but they aren't hung up. So towels are used and then slung over the clothes drying rack upstairs, often one damp towel upon another which is just. not. effective.
That is basically my point.
I mentioned to P a few weeks ago some of how I felt, and about money and projects, and he reinforced that I need not spend my money to finish up this house, I shouldn't, sit on that money and so on. So I am, but that does nothing for my being so frustrated. if I said fuck it and did sink money in to this house, a big part of me feels like that says I am down to live in this for ever or for a long time which I am definitely not. My dream house is somewhere else out there, not here on the corner of 28th and Chatham next to an aerospace machinery factory.
Any advice or thoughts? Should I be looking at the bright side of living in this really cool house? Would you be frustrated? If so, what would you do about it?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A new look? Something? Anything?

I feel bad that our blog has not been updated for awhile. Do we need a new look? How can we get blog-a-licious back to where we started from?

In an effort to jump start things, here are some random musings from my day.


I did something today I truly did not think I would ever do. I put my 14 month old on a waiting list, a freaking waiting list, for a pre-school. WTF, I said to myself, as I filled out the form. And I am parent #32 to do this! And there are 6 people on the waiting list for the year after! These people have just had babies, and yet, they have the presence of mind (or lack of perspective) to seek out the waiting list for a local preschool. And, really, this is not an elite institution. Hmmm.


My husband just said to me, and I quote, "Dude, I think the Confederacy is going to come back". We just finished watching Jeopardy!, and since it was the college edition, we were feeling pretty smart by getting most of the answers right. Well, right after the end of Jeopardy!, the Country Music Awards started, and we watched the opening sequence. S was a bit horrified to learn that one of the more popular groups of the night are called "Lady Antebellum". Guess this means we will not be moving south anytime soon.


My favorite local newspaper columnist just wrote today that she quit her job at the PD and has opened a new clothing boutique in a local neighborhood. She's following her dreams, and I must say, as corny as it sounds, I'm starting to feel a little inspired myself.


Random Question: Should I purchase an iPad?


Well, that's all I have. Since Modern Family is pre-empted by the CMA's, I'm heading to bed.
Goodnight, blogging world.